Chapter Twelve: Celebration

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{Done Editing}


{Skyler's P.O.V.}

It's been a week since our first day back ast school and let me say that the following days wern't any better. It was a friday and Paul, One Direction's manager, decided to stop by,

"Hey everyone." Paul greeted us. 

"Hi, Paul, what are you doing here?" Zayn asked.

"Somebad news, the fans actually went crazy and threw rocks at your shared flat and sort of trashed the place. Not alot broke, only a few windows and the other things were spray painted. It's being cleaned and fixed up as we speak, but you'll have to stay here for at least a month. Well, not here here, more like across the hall.


"Well, time to celebreate!"

* * * * * * * * * * 

"Cheers!" I shouted, to the clanking of our cups. For the boys' moving in party, we had set the table nicely, bought a cake and even got some balloons saying Welcome and stuff like that. Emma and I set up the tables while Haley bought all the food. Also, the boys have been spoiling us, a lot.

"This is going to be so awesome!" Harry smiled, looking over at me. I, instead of blushing like I always did, winked at him. Weird, huh.

Now, everyone was here and we even had music playing. We desided to play hide and seek. Childish right? anyway, Danielle was it and Liam, purposly let her find him first. since I know this place best, I hid in my narnia wardrobe, behind all the clothes so if anyone open the doors to my wardrobe, they still wouldn't be able to find me.

Eventually, since i'd never been it, I had to be it so I found Harry first and decided to do something funny.

"Hey Harry." I muttered to him. "we should ditch them!" he smiled at me and nodded. We took the keys and quietly left. 

"Let's go to McDonald's?" he asked me. I agreed as we drove off blarining the radio and his, awful voice. It was nice, but he was trying to sound awful. He tried joking and I just burst out laughing.

"See, I am funny!" He smiled to himself.

"No, that's not it, it's that that joke was so bad, it was funny." I responded. He sent me a look of mock hurt and then we ate but was cut short by paparazi showing up. Now? Really? We quickly left but not before getting food for everyone else, since they were probably pissed.

When we got home, everyone was infront of the door, with stern faces and crosed arms.

"Where the hell were you?" Zayn asked. 

"We decided that we should bring food for everyone since it was getting kinda late, so we brought McDonald's." I lied smoothly, showing the bags of food. Niall and Haley had quickly agreed to forgiving us and took their food. The rest did to afterwards. They've been here so much, that we were running out of movies to watch.

But that was fun.

* * * * * * * * * * 

"Guys, we can't not learn, but we can't go to school, or we'll be mobbed!" Emma complained, lying down on the couch in the living room.

"Why don't we just ask Paul to get you ladies a tutor?" Niall suggested.

"Cool with me." I mumbled, flipping through a magazines. "Though you know Paul, we can't just complain and tell him we don't want to go to school, we have to sound professional and shit."

"PAUL!" We all yell simultaneously. He hurried downstairs like a fire was burning in our apartment.

"What? Where's the fire?!?" He frantically asked. We all looked over to Emma as she cleared her throat.

"Our affliation with One Direction has made attending our institute of education nearly impossible. To prevent further acts of aggression upon us, which would distract us from completing assignments, we wish to propose that you kindly obtain a tutor for us so we may continue our studies- at least, until the attention dies down."

His expression softened and he nodded.

"Sure thing ladies. I'll check with some contacts and get back to you. As for you lot; boys, you need to work up on your studies as well." Paul to the boys. They all moaned and threw their heads back.

"Ugh, fine." Niall muttered, eating a banana.


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