Chapter Four: Movie and Secrets

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{Done Editing}

Note: I wrote this when I was in my Carrot phase, so please don't cringe too much at toy story/vain zayn/carrot loving louis/(basically any carrot reference)


{Skyler's P.O.V}

After dinner we decided to just chill and watch a movie. I was currently in the kitchen obsessed with my new twitter account. The moment the five boys followed me back, I had so many new followers. 

That's right, I have followers, suck it. I though to myself.

"Yes you do love." Harry said chuckling while eating an apple. Oops, I said that aloud.

I had to be blushing like a tomato by now. I looked over at Harry

Fuck you and your dimples.

I walked out of the living room and into the T.V. room. I think we were watching Toy Story so I was reaching for the remote to change it when Haley gave me a death glare. She was the biggest directioner in this room. That's when I remembered; Liam loves Toy Story. I let go of the remote and sat down.

"So who's hungry? I'm starving." I mumbled, somehow beating Niall to the kitchen. I grabbed muffin while Niall grabbed a chips, sprite and left over pizza. Damn that boy can eat. When I got back everyone was around the T.V. and I didn't feel like watching so I walked up to my room. I haven't talked to my brother in a while...

{Harry's P.O.V}

It was getting to the part where woody's arm falls off when I heard footsteps lead upstairs so I figured it was Skyler. I don't know why, but I felt like following her. I heard her talking to some guy. Does she have a boyfriend? He'll never treat her well, he's probably a dick. She deserves someone better than the idiot she was talking to. Then again, who was I to talk. Wait why was I getting so jealous all of a sudden. Get a grip, Styles

Skyler: Hey Dylan.

I bet Dylan's that jerk boyfriend of her's.

 Dylan: Hey Sky! So hows my favorite sister doing?


Skyler: I'm your only sister. And fine, I guess. 

Never mind.

Dylan: Skyler, you look nervous, what going on?

Skyler: Um, well guess who I ran into on the street. Harry, and his band...

Dylan: You mean Harry? As In Harry Styles, the boy who broke your heart?

I cringed, knowing how bad I must have hurt her.

Skyler: Yeah, him. So remember how I got really mad at him and made that promise? It was all for good reason.

Wait? What promise? 

Dylan: Why? What'd he do?

What'd I do?

Skyler: He's just been such a dick lately.

What? No!

Dylan: Do I have to fly out to London and be the crap out of him?

No, Skyler's brother does not have to beat the crap out of me, I'm fine.

Skyler: It's fine, nothing I can't handle. Besides, his band mates seem pretty cool

Oh so they're cool and I'm a dick?

Dylan: So how's living with One Direction going?

Skyler: Right, about that... I got to go because they're downstairs and it would be rude to leave your guests unattended. Talk to you later!

Dylan: Alright, but watch out! Love you!

(Call Ended)

Wait? What promise? Maybe if I break it, she'll she I'm not actually a dick, I was just young and careless.

Just then I heard footsteps coming from her room. I had to think quick and jumped into the loo I closed the door and flushed the toilet and walked out. She looked at me wide-eyed but then walked downstairs.

I had to find out what that bloody secret was. So I walked downstairs and figured to just ask Emma. She was snuggled up against Zayn so I looked over at Haley who was cuddling with Niall. I'll go with Haley, Emma scares me.

"Haley, I saw this piggy bank and wanted to ask you where you got it." I whispered as I bent down near her. She rolled her eyes but got up anyway. Funny, for a girl who was crazy about me an hour ago, she sure has calmed down.

"Shh It's a movie!" Louis told me, obviously annoyed. I looked over at Skyler who was all alone and she was frowning. I had to move fast.

"Harry?" Haley said snapping her fingers in front of my face. I grabbed her wrist and went upstairs. I heard her protests but ignored them.

"Does Skyler like, tell you everything?" I asked nervous.

"Yeah," she nodded.

"Great, because I overheard her talking to her brother and saying she had a promise? She made a promise to herself about me. Can you tell me what it is?"


"Please? I'm begging you here."

"Fine. But only because I think she was stupid and wrong to make it in the first place." she sighed.

 "When you and her both liked each other she was happy. This was pretty difficult because only a few months after moving out here to London, her mom passed away. She felt guilty for not being their for her, and shut down for a while. She eventually realized that she couldn't waste her days not going to school, because that's why she moved out here in the first place. 

Anyway, back to you: before she met you I had told her she should be open to trusting people, because not everyone in the world was out to get her. And then she met you. And considering that singing was something her mom and she shared, I thought she'd never share it with anyone else. You two must have gotten serious because she came home one day telling us all about how she finally "sung" in front of someone! This was a huge step for her, but you couldn't have  known this.

 When you broke her heart, she just stopped anything that had to do with music because it hurt too much. like, what was the point if there was no one to sing with, I guess. But she found that people leave her, so she stoped expressing herself. A pity, too, she was really good..." Haley trailed.

I remember now.

And I took that away from her.

I know what I need to do.

"Thank you Haley!" I yelled/whispered giving her a hug and walked back downstairs, looking over at Skyler. 


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