So Far So Great

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{A/N: thanks to everyone who is giving me their thoughts and feedback about the book. I love you all so much!❤️❤️❤️ here's an update for all you beautiful readers}


Demi's POV

We've had Brice for a week now and he's a mostly happy baby. He doesn't wake up much at night and he only cries if he's hungry, needs a diaper change, or if he wants to be held.

Today me, Paige, and Brice are flying to Texas to see my family so my mom would leave me alone about meeting him. Gotta love her, I thought laughing.

Marissa drove us to the airport so, of course, I'll hear it from mom about Marissa meeting him first. Well she can move to LA if she wants to be first before Marissa. I laughed again.

"Dems we're here." Marissa pointed out, I shook my head to clear my thoughts and smiled at her. "I'll help y'all get to your plane and make sure you're alright. Okay?"

"Okay. Thanks Mar." I smiled, opening the door to get out. I walked to the side Brice's car seat was on and unhooked it. Marissa unbuckled Paige, who immediately forgot the open door on her side to crawl across the car to the side Brice was on. I laughed then picked up the car seat and pulled it out of the car, Paige climbing of out next then shut the door for me.

Paige trotted behind me, proudly wearing another "big sissy" outfit coordinating with Brice's "little brother" one. I watch Paige then looked at Brice reaching for a toy hanging from the handle, these two are my whole world. I thought smiling proudly, my gaze full of love and adoration.

I sat Brice's car seat down on the ground so Paige watched him while I helped Marissa get our bags, along with the stroller, out of the trunk. Marissa closed the trunk and pulled out the handles on the two suitcases, Paige rolling Brice's smaller one behind her proudly.

"Hello lovely ladies, would you like some help?" A voice asked. I jumped slightly as I snapped Brice's car seat onto the stroller that was made for it thankfully.

"Uhmm...I wouldn't want to burden you." I answered sheepishly, looking at the man with an airport luggage cart.

"No ma'am! It'd be my pleasure." He replied, smiling kindly.

"Thank you so much sir." I said, returning the smile.

I pushed the stroller with Paige holding onto the front close to Brice, while Marissa walked between us and the man pushing the luggage cart for us.


We made it in the airport and checked our luggage in so Marissa was holding Paige's hand who refused to move from her spot at Brice's side. We were just wandering around for the next hour or so until we could board our flight. We found a restaurant and decided to get some ice cream together before takeoff.

We were talking and laughing until Brice let out a loud wail and began crying. I hurriedly unbuckled him and pulled him to my chest. He continued crying, causing a few people to look at us and scowl angrily. "What? You act like you've never heard a baby cry!" I spat, they only turned away and scoffed at me. "That's what I though." I grumbled, "Come on Paige, lets go potty before we get on the plane." I told her. "Mar can you bring the stroller to the gate?" I asked, patting Brice's back to try to calm him down some.

"Sure Dems." She replied, smiling and pretending she had a baby in the stroller.

Paige held onto my shirt so we wouldn't get separated as we walked to the bathroom, Brice's diaper bag over my shoulder on the opposite side she was on. We finally found the bathroom and luckily there was no line.

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