Need You To Answer Me

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{A/N: thanks so much for the feedback guys❤️ well I didn't wanna leave y'all in a cliffhanger for too long so here ya go my loves!❤️😘}


Paige's POV

"Mommy no!!!" I cried, watching as one of the mean men that took me shot Daemon's car tire. I sobbed as the car flew up in the air and flipped before crashing down on it's roof. I shrieked and tried to run forwards towards the car, but a mean man stopped me. "Mommyyyy!!!" I sobbed while Daemon, climbed out of the car and charged towards us.

"Shut the f*ck up kid!" The man said before pushing me to the ground and kicking me. I sobbed on the ground until I heard a loud noise go off and a loud grunt, causing me to look up towards the sound. One of the bad guys was pointing something at Daemon, who had red, blood I think, spreading down his shirt.

Daemon was hurt on the side of his tummy, but he didn't stop. He kicked the bad guy in the leg and turned the guy's hand away before taking the thing from his hand. The loud noise went off again followed by the bad guy falling to the ground.

I cheered in my head as Daemon now ran towards us. "Get the f*ck away from her!" He growled. I like Daemon, he wanna protect me, mommy, and Brice.

"Why don't you make me?" The bad man replied back angrily.

"Wrong choice." Daemon snarled, running faster at us. Once he got a few feet from me, the mean guy kicked me hard in my side, causing me to fly to the side and hit a building. I screamed out in pain, but good thing I didn't hit my head, that would hurt. Daemon jumped at the small group of bad guys, punching one in the face, elbowing another that tried coming up behind him, and kicking another in the knee making him fall to the ground groaning.

Daemon looked at them, but didn't see one behind reach up with a knife until it was too late. The knife sunk into Daemon's thigh, but Daemon spun around and kneed him in the face.

A second later Daemon pulled off his button up and gritted his teeth while he pulled the knife out then tied the shirt around his leg. After he finished doing that he limped towards me and scooped me up into his arms. He grunted with the strain and I screeched due to a bad hurt in my side, but he didn't drop me. He staggered over to his wreck of a car and set me down.

"Demi can you hear me?!" He called. When he got no answer he broke the window, revealing mommy sprawled out on the roof of the car and Brice screaming his lungs out while buckled into his seat still. Mommy had blood pooling around her left shoulder, some pieces of glass stuck in her forehead, and wasn't moving.

"Over here!" I screamed, jumping up and down as police cars and a couple ambulances pulled in. Police men and ambulance people hurried to us and helped Daemon get mommy and Brice out. One of them picked me up and ran to a bed thing and strapped me down. "No mommy! Daemon! Bwice!!!" I sobbed, struggling somewhat, but a moment later the world went black.

"Shawn! She fell unconscious!" Was the last thing I heard before it all grew quiet.


"Mommy..." I sobbed weakly. It's been 2 weeks and mommy hasn't woke up. Daemon has stayed with me at the hospital to wait for mommy to wake up, but Grama and Grampa took Brice to their house since mommy protected him in the crash so he didn't get hurt. I just want mommy to wake up. I miss mommy's hugs. "M-mo-mommy!..." I sobbed, Daemon pulled me onto his lap and hugged me close.

"It's a-alright Paige." Daemon reassured me, his voice cracking.

"D-Daemon? Wh-what's wong?" I asked, looking up at him to find tears streaking down his cheeks. "Daemon w-why you c-cwying?"

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