Karmas a bitch

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Y/n: Ivan... what have you done?!
Ivan: i want to be with my brother.
Ivan: what is your problem.
Ivan: why do you care so much about me.
Y/n: Ivan we have grown up together... your one of my best friends and I need you!
Ivan looked down taking the blade out of my hand.
Y/n: please ivan.
He looked up sniffling.
Ivan: okay. Okay I won't.
I hugged him and started to cry in his chest.

Ivans POV
My brother was dead. I didn't want to be alive. So that's why I tried to do it. Y/n really helped me but I still didn't know how to handle it. "Please Ivan" I heard y/n mumble In my chest. "I'm sorry" I replied resting my chin on her head. "What do we do now" Y/n asks me. "I don't know" I said starting to cry even harder. "I really... just don't know..." Emilio was my everything. I came back home for him mainly. Now his gone and I don't really see the point.

Emilios POV
I woke up and I looked down at my hands... I was shivering. And I was blue. There was no more air coming through the vents but it was still cold in the room. My jumpsuit was pretty warm so it did something I guess. There was one door left. I didn't want to go in it. But I had no choice... maybe it was a way out. Being the curious guy I am I walked into the last room shaking with fear, As it was leading to anxiety. My hands and lips are still blue and I had massive bags under my eyes. The door slammed behind me and I heard something over a PA telling me to sit down in the chair that was sitting in the middle of the room. Doing what I was told, i walked over slowly to the odd chair in the room.

I sat down in it as I was shaking even more. "What the hell" I say out loud. Metal things tied my hands up to the chair so I couldn't move. "GET ME OUT OF HERE! PLEASE HELP!" I yell begging for help. "Please" I sigh. Next thing I knew a big electric shock was shot through my body. I was in pain... a lot of it. I was screaming for help. Then it stopped and everything went quiet.

"Choose one or all will suffer" then came through the pa. I looked around in confusion. "WHAT IS THIS?" next thing I saw was a photo of edu and ruben on a wall. Projecting from the projector. Then I heard a count down.
"No please!" I cry.
"Edu!" I reply In tears.
The next sound I heard wasn't pleasant. I heard edu screaming. "Stop please" I cried. "ILL DO ANYTHING!"

Ivan and y/n then came on the projector.
"No! I'm not choosing!"
"Choose one of all will suffer"
A serious toned count down started from 10. And my heart started racing even faster. I had to chose between my girl friend and my brother. I didn't really have a choice. As much as I loved her, my brother is my brother... his my twin.
Emilio: y/n!
I then heard y/n scream. Yelling for someone to help. Begging. But I couldn't even put my hands over my ears. They were tied tightly to a chair. Karma really is a bitch.

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