The day?

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Normal POV.
I woke up next to Ivan his eyes all seemed to be red and patchy... he was crying in his sleep. I sat up and grabbed my phone. I was going through my camera roll to see all the photos of me, i sat there for a while remembering Ivan and Emilio and I all having a great time and celebrating. I wish ivan never left. None of this would have happened. I sighed heavily and put my phone next to me on the bedside table. Ivans sad eyes kept bothering me. I shut my eyes again to try and get more sleep but, I then hear three knocks at the door.
"This is the calabassis police department, open up!"
I jumped out of bed as Ivan woke up to the yelling. I opened the door to see two officers standing there. He got up and went in the bathroom.
Y/n: can i help you?
Cop 1: you are y/n correct?
Y/n: Yes?
Cop 2: is Ivan Martinez here?
Y/n: Yes.
Cop 1: May we come in?
Y/n: sure... just don't mind the mess... we haven't been really in the mood to-
Cop 2: we understand miss.
Y/n: Ivan!
I yelled calling him out of the bathroom.
Cop: sorry to interrupt but can we have a few words with you both?
Ivan looked at me in sadness. I could see how depressed he was.
Cop: so your brother is possibly still alive.
Ivan looked up in shock
Ivan and I: WHAT?
cop 2: the blood DNA wasn't a match to your last blood sample you gave us last year
Y/n : what are you saying?!
Cop: Emilio Martinez is now a missing person.
Ivan: well what are you doing!? DONT JUST STAND THERE!
cop: we have a whole team out looking for possible locations he could be in.
Ivan sat down starting to cry.
Ivan: I need to find my brother.
Cop: we promise you he will be back eventually... we don't know how long but we will find him.
Y/n: thankyou so much.
The cops smiled and walked out.
Cop: oh and if you need anything come into the station whenever.
Y/n: thankyou.
I shut the door and turned quickly to Ivan.
Y/n: we will get him back! At least we know his somewhere... alive.
Ivan: y/n, he could be lying in a ditch right now!
Y/n: Im doing everything i absolutely can. Please ivan just cope with me here.
Ivan: I'm trying.
Y/n: im gonna shower, after that we are sorting out what we are doing.
Ivan looked down and I went in the bathroom.

10 minutes later.

I got out of the shower drying my hair and I put on my outfit for the day. I brushed my teeth and my hair. After getting ready and walking out of the bathroom I see Ivan packing a bag.
Y/n: where do you think you are going?
Ivan: to find my brother.
Y/n: Ivan!
Ivan: I'm going to charlottes and I feel like she knows where he is.
Ivan: because I'm dumping my stuff off at the house... they did say we can go back..
Y/n: Ivan....
Ivan: do you wanna come with me or not?
Ivan said looking up at me.
I nodded.
Ivan: pack your stuff. We need to be on the road in the next 30 minutes.
V: where are we-
Ivan: charlottes.
I shut up and decided to pack my stuff and do what he said before things got worse.

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