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"Well you weren't, we are okay" I said putting my hand on Emilio's back. He started crying harder. He then leaned on my chest and sobbed. "Emilio... it's all over now" my hands were running through His soft silky hair. "When can we get out of here?" Asked Ivan. "As soon as you guys are able to survive out there" I replied with emilio still in my chest.  "Em? We will be out of here soon" emilio didn't move. He just stayed there and looked down. It was silence until we heard a broken voice "I'm sorry" said emilio. I looked up at Ivan wondering what to say. So I just stayed silent. Emilio finally pulled away and wiped his tears from his cheeks. "Maybe another day or two and we can get you both out of here" I said quietly. "Okay." Ivan replied and emilio nodded. "Should we go back to the house?" Asked emilio. "Maybe we should... it's our home" I replied. "Will things go back to the way they were before? Before before?" Ivan Asked looking up at me. "Honestly... I don't know...."

Ivans POV
I tried telling y/n I loved her before I passed out. Emilio knows and I'm scared this might screw up our bond. He told me it wouldn't but I still think it's gonna hurt him. I don't want her to feel stuck in anyway.
So here I am. In the hospital. My brother looking like he just got murdered and came back to life. His technically laying on her. The girl I have very strong feelings for. My brain is trying to ignore it. It's like high school all over again. I feel like a teenager.

Y/n and emilio were dating for a while... and I've always looked at y/n like a sister. So I don't know what brought on this weird vibe. I wanted to get out of hospital now. I wanted to go home with emilio and y/n. But then that annoying doctor came back into my room.

Andrew: so some good news and some bad.
Emilio *sighs* as usual...
Andrew: emilio... you seem okay to go home but Ivan... might have to stay one more night.
Ivan: if his going Im going...
Andrew: sorry but we can't allow you to do that martinez.
Ivan: this is bull!-
Y/n: Ivan!
Y/n yelled at me and straight after that I felt instant regret for being a douchbag.
Andrew: anyway... emilio... we have provided you with some pain killers and you just have to check up here every Sunday for four weeks.
Emilio: so I can go home today?
Andrew: yes... whenever you like.
Emilio: what about my brother? I'm not leaving without him.
Y/n: Im not leaving without you.
Andrew: are you his only family here in USA?
Emilio: I'm his only family everywhere...
Andrew: oh, I'm sorry... that's kinda a good thing then...
Ivan: HOW?!
Andrew: since his older... he can sign you out whenever. I wouldn't recommend it though.
Emilio stood up to head to the front desks to sign Ivan out.
Andrew: martinez, you are under intense care at the moment. I would recommend At the least, you can leave tomorrow morning, after your last check up, I've already signed emilio out so now his classified as a visitor.
Emilio: what does that mean?
Andrew: you have to follow the visitor hours and you won't be able to stay past 8 pm to 8am.
Y/n: thats bull!-
Ivan: y/n!
Andrew: Well... I know what's best for you... it's all up to you in the end if you wanna go home
Emilio: I'm not. Leaving. My. Brother.
Andrew: you can sign him out.
Ivan: this is messed up! Just let him stay if I "REALLY HAVE TO STAY"
Andrew: I'm very sorry Ivan. But it's just for a few more hours.
Emilio: whatever... so i can just leave?
Andrew: yes. And sign him out if you want
Ivan: okay... thanks...
The doctor left and I spoke to emi
"Sign me out emilio"
"I don't know if I should tonight"
"Because it's better for your health!"
"please emilio"
Then y/n got involved in the conversation.
"Emilio maybe you should let your brother do what he wants to do..." y/n said.
"Fine I'll sign you out..."
Emilio looked down and then back up.

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