Only Need You

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It's been 70 hours since Ivan and I have seen emilio. The house has been boring. Everyone is silent and no one is really in the mood to do anything. Ivan and I slept together the night we got home from dropping emilio off at the mental institutions. We didn't do anything, we just slept... on the couch... really close to eachother. That morning we woke up and he didn't say a word. I tried speaking to him but he hid the tears he had in his eyes from me. Ivan has locked him self in his room and I haven't seen him since. We need to pick up emilio soon so I need to get him out. Hopefully emilio is okay and knows what's wrong with himself"

Current Time
Your POV
I had to go get ivan from his bedroom. We need to pick emilio up in an hour. I was sitting in the lounge with Ruben watching 'The Walking Dead' because it's one of our favourite shows. Well Emilio's favourite. I got up from the couch and starting walking upstairs. Before I could leave I heard a rusty voice speak. "Y/n?" Ruben asked looking down. "Yes Ruben?" I turned around and tilted my head. "I never got to tell you what I needed to the other day, I really need to tell someone." He said starting to tear up. Of course I felt bad and I really understood. "Ruben... now is just not the time." I replied. I felt like I was breaking his heart. "No no I understand." Ruben continued to look down. "Do you wanna pick emi up with us?" I tilted my head to the other side. "No I'll just wait here" he said picking up the remote for the television.

I nodded and started walking upstairs. I got to ivans bedroom door. I inhaled deeply and then exhaled. I knocked 3 times on the door gently.
"Ivan? Please come out, I don't know what got into you after the other day. But we can go pick up your brother"

No response

"Ivan I understand your feelings and all your emotions. We are all going through a rough time right now. So if you can please just open the-
The door slowly opened. Ivan standing right behind it.
"Will he be okay? Will I be able to have my best friend back?" Ivan started tearing. It really hurt me that I couldn't give a yes or no answer. "We will have to see Ivan.." I replied looking down. "Let's go get your brother."

I grabbed Ivan's hand as we were walking down stairs. Ivan looked at me shocked. "It's okay Ivan" we told ruben we were going. I felt bad for Ruben because I could tell he was dying to tell me something. I picked up my phone on the way and my wallet to stop for gas on the way. "Let's get kfc on the way" I told ivan as we were walking out the doors. "I'm not really hungry" Ivan looked down and I heard him start to cry. He squeezed my hand tighter. "Ivan..." I said softly. He went to wipe his tears away with his free hand but I used my hand instead. I placed my hand softly on his cheek and wiped the tears falling down his cheeks.

"Let's go" He said starting to walk up to the car. We got up to my door and Ivan pulled his hand away from mine all of a sudden I felt like I lost my soul. I felt like I lost him, like he disappeared. I then heard whispers behind my ear which made me turn around. I saw emilio standing there. Then all of a sudden it started snowing. I was taken back to the memory where something first happened in my relationship with Emilio.
"Y/n!" Ivan yelled. I looked up to see Ivan seeing infront of me holding my hand "are you okay? You just like blanked out" Ivan was making hard eye contact with me making sure I was okay. "I'm fine" I started tearing "Okay let's go" Ivan let go of my hand I felt the exact same. We got into the car and started driving

Flash black
Emilio threw a snowball at me. "YOU LITTLE SHIT!" I laughed. I picked up a snowball and threw it back. I chased emilio through the thick snow. I picked up another snowball and caught up to emilio. But I got too close when I threw it so he fell and I fell on top of him. We were both laying there laughing so hard I had to put my head on his chest and laugh. I pulled back up and I saw his beautiful angelic smile and his gorgeous blue eyes glowing in the reflection of the snow. And his long soft fluffy messy hair. He placed his hand on my cheek. "I love you so much" he smiled. "I... I love you too" I replied smiling. Emilio leant in. He placed his soft cold lips on mine. The kiss was full of passion. He started smiling through the kiss and he pulled away. "Thankyou" he said after pulling away. I leaned back in passionately. and it started heavily snowing.
End of flashback

"Do you think his gonna be okay?" Ivan Asked. "Wait what?" I said coming back into reality. "Ivan I've told you. I don't know... hopefully." I pulled into the gas station to load up the car. Ivan got out "I'll load... you pay" I nodded and got my wallet. After paying and buying a few snacks for tonight I walked back out. And got into the car. "What did u get?" Ivan Asked. "Snacks and things" I replied. Ivan looked at me confused. "WHAT? I CRAVE ONCE A MONTH IVAN" I yelled but not in a angry way. He started laughing. "Okay okay... let's go."

I shook my head and started driving. The rest of the drive was silent and Ivan started biting his nails which really wasn't normal. he hasn't bitten his nails in ages. We pulled up to the hospital where Emilio was. Ivan and I got out of the car and took a deep breath. We walked in to the mental institution with our hearts speeding.

A tiny time skip

Ivan and I had a lot on our mind. The lady was excited to see us and she had good news. She said emilio was good enough to come home but the first 12 hours were horrible for him. Apparently he wouldn't stop screaming. She told me emilio had to wear one of those hospital shirts and just a pair of sweatpants. After we found out about emilio Ivan and I sat down over by the waiting area. We were pacing pretty much the entire time.
Ivan and I have been waiting for emilio in the waiting room for nearly an hour now. And we haven't heard anything. "I'm having second thoughts again" Ivan said walking back and forth. "I need to see him for my self to know his okay". I looked down not knowing what to say.
"Guys" we heard a rusty voice. We looked up and saw emilio. "Oh my god!" Ivan yelled before sprinting up to him and hugging him. Emilios head sunk in the crook of Ivans neck and both of the twins started crying. So that made me cry. "Are You okay?" Ivan Asked emilio pulling away. Emilio nodded and smiled with tears dripping down his face. Then pulled him back in.
"Im so sorry ivan. Im so sorry for everything" emilio said heavily crying. Ivan was crying too but trying so hard to hide it. "I forgive you bro... it's okay.. everything will be okay" I walked up behind emilio and tapped him on the shoulder. "hi emi" I made him turn around and he saw my tears. I fell into his arms and he held me in his chest. Like he always used too. "Im so glad your okay... your perfect." Emilio nodded, smiled and wiped his tears away" he opened one arm for Ivan to come in and he did.
"Sorry to break the moment but emilio can you sign this so you can leave?" Emilio picked up the pen connected to the paper and signed it as quickly as possible.
"Thankyou so much" Ivan said to the staff. "Anytime guys" they replied. Emilio placed the pen down and he grabbed my hand. I squeezed his hand tighter. And we all walked out of the hospital.

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