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I was waiting out side of the house because the cops asked me too. So much was running through my head which caused me to have anxiety. Is Ivan gonna die? Is Emilio dying of blood loss? What was Ivan trying to say before he passed out? Are the twins okay?
I was pacing and then a cop came to ask me questions.
Cop: why were you here?
Y/n: i came with Ivan to find his brother....
Cop: what made you come here?
Y/n: Charlotte has been stalking us for ages... well mainly Ivan... we figured that out so we came here.
Cop: okay, do you have any other statements or questions?
Y/n: are they alive.
Cop: I'll check In, one moment.
The cop reached for his walkie talkie and spoke in it.
Cop: how is 308?
Unknown: low heart rate, high blood loss, code 737.
(I just made these codes up btw)
The cop turned around and he seemed not that happy but not depressed.
Cop: ivans heart rate is very low... they just got to the hospital, his in emergency surgery now, lucky for you Ivan donated him and his brothers blood last year and they are still 100%.
Y/n: so?
Cop: time will heal everything, he should be okay if the surgery goes good.
Y/n: what about his brother? Emilio?
Cop: Emilio was losing blood but he woke up and his just getting a hell lot of stitches now in the hospital, and he will be on a lot of meds, as well as Ivan.
Y/n: what do i do now?
Cop: i can drive you to the hospital... or home?
Y/n: I wanna go to the hospital. I need to see them.
Cop: okay. Get in the amazing police car and I'll be there in a minute.
Y/n: okay...
Cop: too soon for jokes?
Y/n: no, not in my world.
I smiled as well as he did and I got in the police car.
The drive was very silent, I was still in worry and my heart was still beating.
I sat there chewing my nails and kept tapping the floor with my toes. After a bit the cop finally broke the silence.
Cop: why are you so close with these twins?
Y/n: emilios my ex and Ivans always been my best friend. I live with them.
Cop: dating the best friends brother never turns out well doesn't it.
Y/n: excuse me?
Cop: I just- never mind.
I looked back out the window as I see us getting closer to the hospital.
Cop: they will be okay.
Y/n: hopefully.
Cop: okay well, I'm Toby. Call me T.
Y/n: Okay.
We pulled up infront of the main entrance and I got out of the car.
Cop: here's my business card, it's got my number on it if u ever need to give someone a call.
Y/n: thanks.
I took the card from his hand and shut the door as quickly as possible.

Time skip

Ivans POV.
I just woke up. I have a mask on my mouth and some sort of thing in my arm. I really hope that y/n is okay... she's probably freaking out. And I don't know where my brother is.
I look to my left and I see a green button. Under it it says "press for medical attention" I reached over with my free arm. I pressed it as hard as I could. About 10 seconds later a doctor came in.
Doctor: hi Ivan. I'm Doctor Andrew.
I took the mask off my face and put in beside me.
Ivan: where's my brother?
Andrew: his awake... we can bring him in here if you want us too.
Ivan: yes please. I need my brother.
Andrew: okay... but before we do that we just need to ask you a few questions to see how you are. Is that okay?
Ivan: no! I want my brother to be with me!
Andrew: I'm really sorry Ivan but we can't do that... can we please just ask you these medical questions and then you can have what ever you want.
I nodded my head starting to tear up because of how bad I wanted and needed my brother.
Andrew: how are you feeling?
Ivan: a bit sore and weak... but besides that fine.
Andrew: can I see your temp?
I nodded my head again.
The doctor moved closer to me and checked my temperature with a little machine.
Andrew: I have to see your wound.
Ivan: wound?
Andrew: you were shot in the shoulder.
I was absolutely confused. All I remember was hearing a gunshot and passing out immediately after.
Ivan: okay...
He took the bandage I just noticed off my shoulder and he was looking closer and the gunshot.
Ivan: what happened to me?
Andrew: you went into immediate surgery. we got the bullet out and.... it seems to be healing fine.
He pulled away and smiled.
Andrew: I'll go get your brother.
I yelled. I put my head back as the doctor left and sighed. I really wanted my phone. Maybe Emilio had it. Hopefully he did. I'm so glad y/n and I found him. hopefully things start to shape up once we are all out of hospital. I then heard a knock on the door. I looked towards the door and I saw my brother. All beaten and sleepless.
Ivan: hi brother.
Emilio: are you okay?
Emilio said walking up to me and sitting down.
Ivan: no... well yeah now I am because your here.
Emilio: bro. I'm sore.
Ivan: me too.
Emilio: can you imagine what mum and Rebeca would be doing right now if they were still here?
Ivan: they would be here right now.
Emilio: hey... it wasn't there fault.
Ivan: I'm just glad your okay.
Emilio: bro... you should've just stayed away.
Ivan: why?! So you can still be getting tortured by a psycho?!
Emilio: your hurt now because of me!
Emilio looked down.
Ivan: no bro. I'm hurt because I hurt myself.
Emilio: I just... Im so happy your Okay and Im okay.... we are gonna be okay...
Ivan: I know bro.
Emilio: I'm proud of you.
Ivan: I'm proud of you... also... you look like shit.
Emilio laughed lightly and replied.
Emilio: you do too man.
We both put our heads back and sat there together. My brothers company was always the best. He was always changing the mood. I'm glad he was there. I love him more than anything.

Your POV
I just finished talking to the nurse about the twins and showing her proof on how I was immediate family. I told her I was getting married to emilio... which was a messed up lie but it still got me through to give me the details about the twins. I got told what room they were in and if I was able to visit them. It turns out I was and I headed upstairs straight away to see them and see if they were okay.

I followed the signs and I finally got to ward 4. Which was where the twins were. I followed the room trail and finally got too emilios room. But he wasn't there. I was in kinda worry so I called for the nurse. "Excuse me" I asked one of the doctors. "Yes?" Replied the doctor. "Where is he? Where is emilio?" I asked pointing towards the door. "His gone to visit his brother just down at the end of the ward. They should both be in there" he smiled and continued walking "thankyou" I replied and started walking fast towards the last room in the ward.

I slowed down before I got there and listened in.
"She told you she loved you" "what's that mean for you and her?" "I don't know" "what ever happens, if you have a problem with me being with her... I'm not gonna do it" "but why" "I'm not letting a girl wreck the bond I've had with my brother for 23 years"
That's when I looked down. Am I just a girl? I don't know who was speaking, I lost track of who was who. I knocked on the door and looked in at the two boys.

"Hi boys" I said I'm kinda happiness that they were okay but fake smiling to what I just heard. "I would get up and hug you but it's hard for me to move" said Ivan starting to chuckle. "Same" added emilio. "That's fine" I again replied and fake smiled. I walked up and sat down in the last free chair in the room.

"I told them we were engaged emilio... so go along with it" I said whispering quietly to emilio. "Thats fine" he said looking away. Emilio was all beaten. He had cuts all over him and he was all bruised. It hurt me seeing him like that but then I remembered that's what he made me look like. I just tried forgetting about that for now and just worried about the fact two of my best friends were in hospital.

"What did she do to you emilio?" Ivan asked emi. "She just played games" emilio looked down and his mood completely changed. I could tell he was broken. "What type of games?" I asked. "Games like... who's better? Choose one to live" I looked down in regret making him remember that. "Emilio..." I started to cry. "I actually thought I was hurting you guys...."

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