To Many Promises

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Ivan is in the room talking to his brother now... hopefully that goes okay. Im currently keeping Ruben company and we are just chatting upstairs in Ivans old bedroom. It was a serious chat because Ruben needed to tell me something that was pretty important.
"What's up Ruben? You seem like you have lot on your mind" I said trying to get him to make eye contact with me. "If I told you this... promise me it stays between us and emilio and Ivan never find out" Ruben looked up at me. He was leaning on the foot of the bed sitting down and I was against the wall standing up. I sat down to his level in confusion. "Yes ruben... you know you can trust me." I replied. "Okay well... I've been fighting with my self about this decision but I can't seem to face the fact that I'm-

Ruben got cut off to the sound of Ivan screaming, not just screaming but screaming for his life. I kept hearing him scream "stop. Let me go!" Ruben and I got up in a rush and sprinted downstairs into the room they were in. We ran into the game room where all the noise was coming from and I saw Ivan laying flat on the pool table with emilio over him going to hit him with the stick. "EMILIO!" I yelled. I yelled loud enough for him to look up. "Get off him right now" I started walking up to him and emilio slowly got off. "Bro Im sor- "Shut up emilio... you need help. Professional help." Ivan slowly slid off the table and fell into my arms. "What's wrong ivan?" I asked. "I think... I'm having... a panic attack" he replied shaking and not being able to breathe. "See this emilio?! This is the shit you put us through." Emilio looked down and came up to Ivan on the floor. I immediately pushed him away. The last thing I wanted was Ivan being hurt even more. I saw blood coming through his white shirt.

"Fuck Ivan... you opened your wound!" Ruben stood there in shock not knowing what was going on because the last time we saw him... we were just a big happy family. "Ivan Ivan... sit up... hey hey hey..." At this point ivan was holding his heart and he was in my chest. "I can't" Ivan said still shaking. I had to get my head straight. I had to help Ivan out of this. "Deep breaths ivan... in and out... shhhh. In and out" Ivans breaths started to slow but he still had his hands on his heart.

"Look at me Ivan" I got Ivan to look at me directly in my eyes to take his mind off it. His hand fell to the floor and he started to get dizzy. His head dropped into my chest and he past out. "He fainted... Ruben call the home doctor" ruben nodded and walked out to ring the doctor. I sat down against the wall as Ivan was in my lap. "What even happened ivan" I said quietly brushing my fingers through his soft hair. I then heard emilio speak.
"his me... but in another body. An identical one.... and I told him I wanted to bash his face In" emilio said softly. "Emilio... why did you just do this... look at him..." He looked down and sat down right next to me on the other side of Ivan. "Don't push me away please" Emilio picked up his brothers hand. And sat there holding his hand.

"I'm so sorry Ivan... I would've never swung that stick... I wouldn't ever bash you. I'm your older brother, you will always be my best friend. this shit will be over soon bro. I'm gonna get help. And I promise you after that I'll make it up to you. Just give me time to fix my self... I love you so much ivan" Emilio cried. He actually started crying. Over his brother. "The doctor is on his way." Ruben said running in the room. "I'll be in the lounge watching television" he walked back out and I looked at emilio and his head was on ivans heart. "His hearts beating at the same time mine is" emilio said pulling away from his chest. "Everything's gonna be okay ivan" I said moving his hair out of his face. And emilio sat there holding his hand and crying... regretting so much.

"What if he hates me after this?" Emilio looked me. "He won't hate you. He told me a lot of things emilio" i said looking back at him, Ivan still laying in my lap. "What did he say?" Emilio asked. "That's between me and him... but all I'm telling you is that I know for a fact emilio, his always gonna love you. That's never gonna change. His gonna get mad at some points like you do... but that's life. His your brother"

"His not just my brother... his my best friend"

"Emilio... as bad as this sounds, I think we might need to put you in a mental institution..." Emilio looked up at me. "For how long?" He asked making a lot of eye contact. "There's a 72 hour process they do, maybe you should do that..." I looked down. "Am I mental?" Emilio asked looking back down at his brother. "Yes emilio, and those 3 days can change everything, they will provide you with the help you need for 72 hours" I said making him look back up at me. "I'll do it" emilio said softly.
"I'm so sorry emilio"
"Don't be, I deserve it"
"Promise me you will try to get better"

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