53 11 2

Min Daddy
He's good.
He is really good?
How is he this good?

Jung Hoseok
Born natural
Did you see the rap cover he did?

Min Daddy
Yes it was gooooood

Jung Hoseok
Jeon Jungkook is gonna come for our throats if we're not careful

Min Daddy
He's still a child though Hobi dont prejudge him

Jung Hoseok
Whag if he takes my position as lead? What if he gets me kicked off the group?

Min Daddy
Befriend him then, make him one of the inner circle and make it clear you're not leaving.

Jung Hoseok
Make him one of the inner circle???!???
Have you lost your miND

Min Daddy
The inner circle is literally me you and Jin.
Idk why bringing this child into our group for a couple of months at most is like so bad. 😂😂

Jung Hoseok
We don't need a baby cramping our style
Jin will not be happy

Min Daddy
What style 😂
The only style we have is getting drunk in seokjins apartment whilst you dance drunkly to songs from the 90s 😂
That's our style 😂😂

Jung Hoseok
You love our style idk what you're talking about
Our style would be corrupted if we were to invite this child into the inner circle

Min Daddy
Just give it a chance, he's probally shit scared about joining your group anyway.
He's good, we need to take precautions about him not 'coming for our throats'

Jung Hoseok
Ahhh I love you Yoongs

Min Daddy
Yeah yeah I know
Can you come over and bring me some take out if you love me so much 😌

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