47 8 1

Min Daddy
Where are you?
I'm at the train station waiting for you

A sigh and a burst of warm air shrouded in steam shoots from my mouth. It's too fucking cold.

Meet me at the train station, I'll be there at 6:45 my ass. 10 minutes late, 10 more minutes I could've stayed warm inside if he just told me the right time.

I can just picture him now, sitting on that train with that smug look of his watching the time fly past as I stand like a spoon outside.

I groan again and lean back against the wall and push my hands further into my puffer jacket and squish my face further into my dust mask. I'm going to kill him.
My eyes drag over the crowds coming out from the train stations- some couples, some friends, some family. And I'm forever alone.

My glance stops at a young boy walking towards me, his hair points out from underneath his beanie and his hazel eyes shine in the street lights. His whole frame just screams gym rat, his arms underneath his thin looking wind breaker screams push ups- oh god I want him to make me scream. I need a boy like that- it's been way too long since I've- since anything.

The boy continues to walk towards me until his face becomes clearer and his little button nose pokes out red in my direction. He looks familiar- too familiar.

I look again, this time squinting my eyes in an attempt to get a better look. Then it hits me- the boy who I just- that's Jeon Jungkook.

He's 5 years younger than me and I just said I wanted to sleep with him.

"Excuse me? Are Mr Min Yoongi?" He approaches me cautiously and uses his hands to adjust his mask and pull it under his chin. I swallow and look away before nodding very lightly.

Hoseok where the fuck are you?

"Ah good- I thought I'd asked the wrong man for a second there" he laughs slightly and moves to the wall next to me and leans back, his taller body almost shadowing mine.

"Hoseok hyung texted me and that we wouldn't be able to make the same train as me and that I should come find you- he even sent me a few pictures of you so I could find you" he chuckles slightly and extends his gloved hand in my direction. I look at him before shaking my head and keeping my hands firmly in my pockets.

"It's cold" I say simply and cosy back into my coat. He raises his eyebrows before nodding and leaning against the wall again.

"It's been a very cold winter- the coldest for a while" he says causally, totally ignoring the fact we're total strangers.

So I ignore him.

Maybe I am being a little rude, or maybe I'm acting appropriately to the boy I've just met. There's one thing I know for sure though, I'm going to kill Jung Hoseok.

The younger boy senses the tension and takes another attempt at making the atmosphere better.
"I'd like to thank you for helping me with the music too- it really means a lot" he beams at me and I nod.
"You're really talented" I mumble through the mask and his smile widens.

Almost sensing the friendship about to blossom, Jungkook eyes shoot over to the train station where the bundle of joy has emerged from the platform.
Jungkook posture straightens and he strides over to the other boy, their arms engulfing each-other into a hug in an instant- and leaving me a couple of feet away left out and embarrassed.

"It's so good to meet you" Jungkook utters as he pulls away and reaches out for Hoseoks hand. Hoseok smiles and grabs his hand before pulling him back into a hug. I pout.

Where's my hug? I didn't get a hug. I haven't got a hug from Hoseok either.

"The pleasure is all mine Jungkook- I'm so happy to finally meet you" he pats his back and pulls away once again, hoseoks eyes moving back to me.

"Hey Yoongi" he says casually before linking arms with the younger boy and dragging him down the street towards my apartment.

Where. Is. My. Hug.

I huff loudly and Hoseok stops, his head turning and looking at me in expectant expression.

"You want a hug?" He pouts at me and I pull my mask down harshly ready to curse at him, but Jungkooks worried look stops me.

"No I don't want a freaking hug- why would I want a hug from you" I say instead, my arms crossing and my face scrunching up.
His face drops before lighting up again with another smile, "Come on dipshit- you've got the key to your flat and it's cold"

Jungkooks face drops and mine lightens, "How can you talk to your elder so- How?" His words make my face lighten up even more and Hoseok smile.

"When you've known people long enough, age doesn't mean anything- I wouldn't dream of calling him hyung or him calling me dongsaeng" he laughs slightly at his words and I nod, "but that doesn't mean someone of your age could call us anything other than hyung" his face turns semi hard again and Jungkook nods.

"I wouldn't be surprised if Yoongi tried to get you to call him oppa though

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