26 5 1

"You've got a face like a slapped arse Yoongi" Hoseok bellows as I make my way around to the table. I make an inaudible sound before pulling out the plastic chair opposite Jimin.

The blonde haired boy smiles at me.

"And why don't you? Today's been-"

"Don't talk about it" Jimin interrupts suddenly, he throws back another shot of what I assume is soju, "I don't want to think about Taehyung or Jungkook right now" His head falls backwards and his hand runs though his hair.

He groans loudly, and I swallow.

I wonder if he's a model.

My eyes stay on him until Hoseok breaks my concentration. "Let's just drink" Hoseoks stands suddenly and walks over to the tent bar. I look back st Jimin.

"Did you know?" I reach over and take Hoseoks glass, not even sparing the boy a glance. If he's anything to do with this, I don't care.

"Know what?" He says innocently, his eyes staying glued on me completely. I scoff and roll my eyes, but I still don't look at him.

"About the Gina"

"Yes" he says quickly, almost as if I just offered him some. This time I do look at him. My eyes glare at him as hard as I can possibly can.

Which isn't much, because even with the situation his glowing face makes me melt a little.

"You take any?" I ask, half concerned half annoyed. He laughs a little and shakes his head.

How is he treating this like a joke? He's literally here laughing as his friend is being treated in hospital.

"No" he reaffirms his head shake.

I go to say something but right on cue, Hoseok returns with another 3 bottles of Soju. The previous tense atmosphere disappears immediately.

He takes a seat and lets out a deep long sigh, "Let us drink!" He shouts suddenly, Jimin bursts out laughing, his head being thrown back suddenly.

Before I can even tell the difference between one shot and 10 shots, we've finished 5 bottles. I look at Hoseok who's been reduced to his usual comatose drunk state, his face completely drooping and his hair curling at the ends slightly. His eyes meet mine and he smiles a little. His mouth opening as if he was going to say something, but he doesn't.

He really can't handle his drink.

My eyes then drift to the boy opposite, slowly eating the noodles we ordered about an hour ago, his face completely puffed out. Those noodles must be cold by now, I can't imagine they're anything other than soggy and disgusting.

He doesn't notice me staring, so I stay staring. I lean back on the plastic seat and look at features. His little nose scrunches up and down as he shoves the old noodles past his plump lips and into his mouth. He's cute, that word doesn't do him enough justice but man he's cute.

You could barely tell he was the boy not 50 minutes ago trying to do a shot of vodka up his nose.

"I want to go home" Hoseok suddenly announces, Jimin looks up. I nod. We've all had a lot to drink it's probably for the best.

"You'll have to leave your car here Hoseok" I say, being the most sober out of the three. He groans loudly and rolls his head in a circle.

"I'll walk- it's only 10 minutes" he waves his hand at me and I smile, it really isn't that far. He should be fine.

"I'll share a taxi with you" Jimin straightens his back and points a finger at me. I furrow my eyebrows, he lives no where near me- I'll have to get the train home not a taxi.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2019 ⏰

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