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"So tell us about you" Hoseok breathes out as I fumble through my pockets for the keys to my apartment.

Jungkook laughs slightly and takes a deep breath, "well you already know I'm 20 years old" Yes, very well.

"Yup" I breathe out, finally finding the metallic clump in the deepest parts of my pockets. I slip a glove off and push the key into the hole,

"Well I'm a dancer and a singer and a rapper but only by hobby" only a hobby, that boy rapped the camera back to factory condition.

"We saw some of your YouTube videos"
Hoseok sums it up better than I could've. Jungkook laughs embarrassed and runs his hand through his sleek brown hair and scrunches his nose up in a smile.

"The videos aren't that good- my hyung just insisted that I uploaded them" she shakes his head lightly and I slip my keys back into my pocket as the door opens. I lead as we walk inside, my shoes slipping off and being replaced by cosy slippers. I stride into the lounge, my coat being thrown onto one of the chairs and my mask following it.

Hoseok walks behind and picks up my stuff before hanging them onto the hook attached to the wall besides the chair. I smile weakly at him. Such a good friend.

He takes his seat next to me and we watch as Jungkook strides in and takes every aspect of my home in.

"It's nice here- I like how it's all open" he smiles at me widely and I nod.

"Who's this hyung then that insisted about the videos?" Hoseok starts the conversation back up as Jungkook sits down on the arm chair opposite us.

"He's a rapper too- he's quite big in the rap world" he says proudly and my ears tingle. I look at Hoseok and he continues the conversation on my behalf.

"Really? Yoongi and I are rappers too- Yoongi especially knows everyone who's worth knowing- what's this hyung a name" Hoseok beams at me and I nod. He reaches over and pokes my nose, "you've gone all red from the cold- do you want a hot chocolate?" He says softly and I shake my head.

He's starting to baby me again- I'm not complaining or anything- but he is.

"His names Kim Namjoon, he's been one of my close friends for like 4 years now- I think he's a very good rapper" Jungkook states, his fave completely lit up with the mention of his elder. My heart would warm slightly if I didn't already know the guy.

I look at Hoseok. He laughs. I look back at Jungkook who's slightly taken aback by Hoseoks reaction. He takes a deep breath, I can already sense what he's going to say.

"Kim Namjoon can eat my ass- and I don't mean that in a kinky way- he's one of the rudest most annoying rappers I've ever met in my entire life" Hoseok announces and I wince. Jungkooks whole body retracts further into the arm chair, his previous confidence completely lost behind hoseoks words.

"Hoseok this is like someone saying to you that Jin-hyung is the ugliest person ever" I look at him wearily and he cracks his neckZ

"I'm not trying to be a downer- but Yoongi you were with me when we met him at the conference thing- he was an absolute cu-"

"Moving topic," I interupt him and show Jungkook a smile, my hand rests on Hoseoks hand in reassurance, "Where are you from?"

"Oh- I'm from Busan" his smile returns and the atmosphere goes back to how it was before.

"Busans a nice place" Hoseok laughs and Jungkook takes a deep breath.

"Oh and I'm also bisexual" he says louder than probally intended. Hoseok stops laughing and looks at him seriously, I bite the inside of my lip, "I hope that won't be a problem" the opposite happens and he talks almost inaudibly.

"Your bisexual?" Hoseok mutters before scratching his head. Jungkook nods.

"I thought I'd finally have another straight dude in the group- turns out I'm stuck another one" a smile forms on Hoseoks face and Jungkooks eyes light up.

"Your bisexual too?" His head shoots to me and I shake my head.

"Full on gay" I smile at my own comment and his eyes light up even more.

"That's amazing- we all have so much in common" His head almost combusts with excitement and I laugh slightly.

"I just- I thought you guys were going to hate me because of it- not many people are like open about that kind of stuff"

"People have said they hate you because you're bi?" Hoseok asks slowly and Jungkook nods slowly, a soft apologetic smile on his lips.

"It's either that or just general names- people are just very closed minded around here- I mean this country in general" he laugh slightly and Hoseok nods. I click my tongue.

"If anyone gives you anymore grief then just call me and I'll come and beat the shit out of them- you're one of us now, we'll protect you" I look at the wide eyed boy for a second before my gaze returns back to the skyline outside of the window.

"R-Really?" He asks bewildered, Hoseok hums for me.

"Yoongi would commit triple homicide to protect one of us, especially if it includes homophobic tramps" He laughs as he says the words and I smile at him, before looking at Jungkook who's eyes are getting more and more watery.

Suddenly he launches himself at me and wraps his arms around my shoulders. I freeze.
"What are you doing?" I swat him away and he sits beside me with a wide smile, his teeth pointing out slightly.

"I'm just- I'm so happy I've met you guys" he beams, his hands shaking ever so slightly besides him.

He really is adorable.

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