Chapter Seven.

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This party was something I didn't imagine it to be. The normal dancing was replaced with grinding, you could smell the alcohol and drugs from outside. This type of party didn't really catch my eye, but I knew Monty wanted to be here with me, so I stayed.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me into the middle of the dance floor. We stayed like this chatting for a while, but someone kept bringing him beer making him get more tipsy by the second.

He got on the table, and pulled me up along with him. Monty started yelling to get everyone's attention. Once he successfully did that, he started to talk.

"Hey everybody! Hey! I just wanted to say WE FUCKING DID IT! Now let's take a drink to the best season this football team will ever see!" With that, everybody took a sip out of their red solo cups. "Also, all of you losers need to get a girlfriend as hot as mine!" He then leaned me over a kissed me. The whole crowd that was around us were hollering and I thought it was funny.

After a while we both got down from the table. I heard Monty's phone buzz and told him about it. He took it out and checked the text.

"I'm gonna go get a drink. You want anything?"

"No i'm okay, I'll go find someone else to talk to while you go."

He walked away, and i started to search the room to look for someone to talk to. I noticed Scott looking in my direction, so I made my way towards him.

"Hey" He screamed over the loud music.

"Hi" I replied.

"Where did Monty go?"

"He said he went to get another drink, he should be back soon."

"Ahh, well wanna go sit somewhere and talk?"

I looked around for Montgomery quickly, and notice he was nowhere to be found.

"Sure, why not."


Scott and I have been talking for a little more than a half hour. We were discussing random school things when I realized I haven't seen Monty in a while.

"I'm gonna go see where Monty is, we will catch up later okay?" I got up from the small couch we were sitting on, and went on the hunt for Monty.

I looked around the whole first floor of the apartment and still couldn't find him. I decided to start asking some of my friends if they saw him or not.

I first went up to Chloe, who just told me she had no idea where he was. I then went to Justin and Zach, and they both said the same thing. I was about to stop looking when I spotted Bryce in the corner laughing at his phone for some reason.

I walked up to him and coughed to get his attention.

"Hey Liv, what's up good looking?"

"Have you seen Monty anywhere? I can't find him.

"Its cute you're looking for him, but i haven't. Have you seen this picture? Seems like Justin and Jessica are having fun."

I was confused at first, because I literally just left from talking to Justin not too long ago. I glanced at the picture and my heart dropped. I saw Jessica sitting on top of someone who looked like Justin, but wasn't. It was Montgomery. His face wasn't shown, but I could tell. The perfectly clean white nikes he just bought, and his dark blue skinny jeans.

"I will be right back." I choke up, walking away from Bryce.

I started to walk up the stairs that led to the bedrooms. Two of the three doors were open, so I skipped those and went straight to the closed door. With my hands shaking, I open the door to see Monty on top of Jessica in the bed. My hand flew across my mouth as I tried to keep the sobs in. I quickly turned around and ran straight downstairs to leave. Monty took me here, so I knew he wasn't going to "stop his fun" to take me home, nor did I want him too.

I ran straight to the couch Scott and I were sitting talking on, to see him still there.

"Scott.." I choke out.

He looks up from his phone to see the tears falling from my red eyes. "Olivia, what happened? Are you okay?"

I shook my head no and started crying more. He got up from his seat to wrap his arms around me. Somehow he managed to hear the "take me home" I whispered into his chest because he wrapped one of his arms around my waist and brought me to his car to take me home.

What a wonderful night. 

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