Chapter Twenty Two.

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Scott arrived at my house as fast as he possibly could. I guess he was just as nervous to find out what happened as I was just to see his reaction. I'm sure there would be no negative actions towards me, for one I didn't do anything. Monty was just typing nonsense to get into my head. The time I have spent with Scott may be so short, but I have learned the real reason Montgomery stayed with me for 2 years. I was easy to manipulate. But we are not together anymore, so his toxicity does not affect me anymore. 

I gave Scott my phone, holding onto him as he read the messages. Looking at his face whole he read the messages it was hard for me to understand how he was feeling. His eyebrows were furrowed, and his lips were hardened into a straight line. 

"I know you love me." 


"I know you love me." He repeated himself again, this time looking up from the screen and into my eyes. "If you didn't, you would not have showed me this conversation. His words do not phase me or change the way I feel about you. Nothing ever could Olivia, trust me" 

The breath I did not know I was holding in was pushed out as I was so relived to hear this. I knew that Scott would take this okay. He knew my feelings for him were just as strong as his were for me. He treats me so good, so much better than monty ever could. He and I both know that. For Montgomery to even believe that I would ever even consider leaving Scott to go back into a toxic, controlling relationship is insane. I am happy with what I have, and nothing would ever change that. 


School the next day did not make me so pleased about the situation that happened the night before. Montgomerys team would constantly pick on me and say foul things to get under my skin. Because Scott was newer to the town, obviously the team would side with monty and not him. But, whenever we were with each other, he would stick up for me just like he did when we weren't even together. 

"Why do you need to be on a team anyway? You can quit like me and be a couch potato all day everyday." I said to Scott as I exaggeratedly ate a French Fry. 

"Unlike you, Ms. Famous" he said while stealing a fry, "I need something that pushes me for a college. Even if it is 2 years away, I still need to be prepared." 

"Well, Mr.loser. Being 'famous' isn't that great. I get hated on for small things, and now, ya know, with everything that went on in the past month, my fans aren't really pleased with me."

That was true. My subscribers on youtube loved Monty, and once I posted the cover of Lie To Me all of my fans thought I did something wrong instead of Monty. He got in their heads to. Obviously this is a problem, and It needs to be changed, but I am just not motivated as much as I was previously. 

"How about later tonight, we go on a little date. You can vlog the experience and show how truly happy you are. Any true fan would be able to see it and they would be glad that you are in a better relationship then your last. And then you can sing, so you can show your talents." 

Scott smiled at me as he pulled up my account on his youtube app. Its true, somewhere in the million people that follow me, some had to care about me and my talent. Not someone I had a past with. 

*hey y'all its been a while. I decided to try and finish this story because I have nothing better to do and its just not fair to leave the people who enjoy reading hanging. I hope you enjoy what is to come. XOXO

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