Chapter Twenty Six.

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My cover to golden had gone viral overnight. I had over 10 million views, which was my highest amount ever. At school that day I noticed more and more people trying to talk to me, especially girls from the cheer team. All day I was wondering if I picked the songs I would've wanted to do, would I still get this reaction? I am certain I wouldn't, so I am happy I listened to my gorgeous Mr. Reed. 

At lunch, Scoot brought me a cute little cupcake to celebrate my success on the video. 

"Scotty, you didn't have to my love."

"Just wait until this weekend liv." He said with a deeper voice and a wink. 

I got excited thinking of the possibilities this weekend would hold. Being with Scott I could never pinpoint a moment where we weren't on an adventure. Sitting and eating soup was something I enjoyed so much with him that we made it as fun as possible. We sat eating and chatting as random people would come and congratulate me. 

Scott said he needed to go to science early to do a lab, so I waited for sherri to come sit with me as I sat on my phone. I felt the bench go down and an arm go around me for a hug so I instantly got excited. 

"Oh my god sherri I haven't spoken to you in so long I.." I turned my head to the left and saw who actually sat next to me. I aggressively threw his arm off of me and stood from my seat. 

"You really do pick the best moments to come bother me, don't you." 

"Of course I do hottie, what else would I be good for?" 

"What do you want Montgomery? I am not in the mood for you or any of your games right now. Not now or ever." 

"Who said this is a game beauty? I just came to wish you a nice big congratulations on your youtube success." The words that came from his mouth seemed so rehearsed that they flowed so smoothly. 

 "So sweet of you Monty. Thanks so much. Now could you please fuck off." Just seeing him in front of me made me so sick, I wanted him to feel as much pain as he made me feel. 

"Olivia, stop being so stubborn." His hands soon found grip of my waist and held on tight. His fingers started pushing deep in my skin as I felt thousands of needled going through my body. 

"Let go of-" 

"If you would just listen to me, this wouldn't be happening liv. I know you don't love him. You love me. Listen to me good Olivia, this success has nothing to do with your talent. You are nothing but a face. You have always known that. Tell me you hate me liv. Tell me that lie babygirl. " I felt my body get pushed back down into the bench as his hand found his way to my hair and he held a firm grip. 

"You're wrong Montgomery! Let me go!" I started screaming and yelling which started to get the attention of others. In the distance I hear people trying to get ahold of Scott, but do not dare to get involved physically with whats happening between me and Monty. 

"I didn't do anything to you, you fucker! You cheated on me! I am happy , leave me the fuck-" his hand lets go of my hair immediately to now hold his eye. Montgomery stumbles back as Scott is now here, protecting and attacking Monty for me. 

"Never fucking put your hands on my girl ever" Scott growled at Monty as I tried to hold him back to not make the situation worse. 

"She used to love these hands Scotty boy, pleased her much more than yours do now." 

"Stay the fuck out of our way Montgomery. You may be unstable, but you have never seen a true psychopath, and I hope you don't have to." Scott picked me up and carried me to his car, where he drove me back to my house to get me out of that horrible situation and to make sure I was okay. 

I could never get a break. 

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