Chapter 18

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"Well done some of you. You showed skill, and quick thinking, qualities that are very important in a Trinity Guard. The rest of you clearly got in through your scores on the aptitude test," Jacoby says. Several of the candidates avoid his eyes in shame, a few brush off their shoulders in victory, clearly pleased with themselves. Jacoby lifts a hand and the class falls silent.

He continues, "For those of you who didn't impress me now, you'll get a chance after the lunch break to blow me away with your brilliance. You'll each be given, what I like to call, 'The Test From Hell'. Before practice, I had a group of Stafford's top tier scientists create a thousand question assessment, problems ranging from basic algebra to advanced proficient Biology. You'll have two hours to complete it."

Some jaws drop, some whispers are exchanged, and some confidence boosting rituals are performed. One girl nodded over and over again whispering "okay, okay." One boy slapped his face repeatedly like he was trying to wake himself up from a bad nightmare.

"And with that," Jacoby claps, "enjoy your lunch."

Trainees rise. Some, still in thought, get up slower than the others just to run across the room to catch up with their friends. Groups of a few people walk out together, congratulating each other, freaking out together, or gossiping about one of the other cadets. As the cliques leave and I'm the last person in the room, I can't help but think about Aria. I pray that Grayson didn't hit her hard enough to leave more than a few bruises.

"Are you going to eat or what?" Silas asks, holding out a hand for me. I forgot that he was here. He would've left with everyone else had he not been assigned to watch over me. I look at his outstretched hand and decide against it, standing up by myself.

He looks a bit dejected, but graciously pulls his hand back all the same. We walk side by side down the long empty hall towards the cafeteria in awkward silence. Well, awkward for me at least.

We pass the large double doors into the high ceiling room I saw yesterday. I notice one empty table in the far corner, so I grab an apple out of the basket, skipping the rest of the luxury food items, and have a seat. The area was filled with screaming and laughter, reminding me of lunch back at school. Such a concept doesn't exist anymore, but I remember the days as though they were yesterday.

While reminiscing about some of the worst years of my life, I almost didn't notice Silas take the seat next to me. He plopped down his tray piled high with various meat dishes, and started digging a fork through it.

"What are you doing?" I ask while sinking my teeth into the overripe fruit, I could taste the chemicals cutting through the sweet acidity, but I choke it down into my empty stomach.

"My job," he responds, sticking the fork into his mouth. "You know, you should eat more than that," he motions towards my apple.

"You can't do your job from a different table?" I ask, taking another bite out of my apple, juice running down my chin.

"Nope," he shakes his head. I run my sleeve over my mouth, wiping away the dripping apple. We spend a few beats, chewing without exchanging words between bites. I'm about halfway through my apple when Cynthia and Aster find a seat across from me and Silas. I drop my head into my free hand, craving the isolation I know so well. They place down their trays, smiles plastered across their faces.

"Hey Castelle, officer," Aster nods to Silas. "What're you guys doing over here all alone?" he slides the last word, clearly implying something. Cynthia kicks him under the table and he looks over to her in confusion.

"What?' he whispers. She shoots him a warning glance and he wriggles in his seat, behaving himself.

"Alone?" I ask. I let out air from my nose in a sudden burst like they told funny a joke. "I wish," I mutter. Silas clearly heard me as he turns his head, one eyebrow raised and a satisfied smirk resting on his mouth. "What are you doing here exactly?" I spit, it was already bad enough that I had to sit here with Silas.

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