Bleed It Out

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She looked pretty much the same.
Except she wore a red cocktail dress, interesting attire for taking care of a baby.

Her eyes passed over me and she headed for the door.
Terribly confused, I drifted towards the crib.

I looked in at the sleeping infant.
He was sleeping on his side, his blonde hair was all ruffled and a teddy bear lay abandoned next to him.

He was painfully adorable.
His long lashes brushed against his pale cheek, and his full lips were parted slighty.

Then, without warning, his eyes shot open.
The bluest eyes I had ever seen.

And I was suddenly back in the Kardigan's living room.
"Becca?" Tora asked "Are you alright?"

"Yea. . .sorry" I lied "I zoned out"
"Well, look it's working!" she told me cheerfully.

I saw a purplish haze float around the room.
It began to gravitate towards Austin.

It began to wrap around him.
The purple haze levatated around him.

As the haze touched him, his eyes closed a little.
Then fluttered open again.

"Hey" he protested sleepily "Don't practice that magic crap on me. . ."
He was cut off by a yawn.

"Your getting very sleepy" I said in a mock-gypsy-like voice.
He rubbed his eyes sleepily, "Seriously" he managed before another yawn "I don't wanna sleep anymore. . .stop. . ."

His eyes closed, and then fluttered open again.
"Are you sure?" I teased "Because you look awfully tired to me. Maybe you should sleep a little more. . ."

He yawned, and rested back into the couch.
"You suck" he muttered sleepily as his eyes closed.

They didn't re-open this time, and he fell asleep.
The only movement was from his fluttering chest.

"You did it!" Tora congratulated "You knocked him out cold!"
"Now, thats cool" I said "I gotta try that on my brothers sometimes. . ."

She laughed, "It's remarkable how the most basic incantations can be so usefull"
"Yea, seriously" I agreed "How long with that keep him out for?"

"Depends" she said and shrugged "on how long you want him to sleep."
"I think he's gonna stay asleep for a little longer" I decided.

She laughed, "Well, alright. That's enough magic for today. We'll wrap up the other elements tomorrow. And then move onto to conjuring objects. Tonight, practice the elements we did today. Of course, do them alone. And don't let them get out of hand"

I nodded, "Ok, sure. Cool"
"Wonderful" she said as she ghosted out of the room.

I sat on the couch opposite Austin.
He was still sleeping soundly.

I decided to wake him up, I needed help.
I concentrated on lifting the sleep spell.

When I was done, I waited a second for him to wake up.
"When I snap my fingers you will wake up" I mumbled, snapping my fingers.

A second later his eyes sprung up.
I laughed to myself. It actually worked. . .sorta.

"Not cool" he told me.
I laughed, "You better be nicer to me. Or I might just use my magical powers to put you into a deep, deep sleep"

He snorted, "Yea, okay"
"Do you know a song. . .it goes something like 'Na la desona sarmon.' Ever heard of it" I asked abrutly.

"Yea . . . it means 'They told me you were coming'. . . .thats the song my mother used to sing to me. . .how do you know about that?" he asked.
I thought so. . .but that baby couldn't of been Austin. . . the baby's eyes were obviously blue.

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