Chapter 2

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I lost my job, my wallet, and my car. Whats next?! As if right on cue, It started sprinkling. A little rain can't hurt, right? I thought. The rain kept getting harder, and harder until it was a complete downpour. "Why?" I whispered to myself. I saw my warm breath in the air. I wasn't at all dressed for rain.

I came across a park. I sat down on a bench next to a playground. I buried my head in my hands, and let out all of my tears. I've been crying buckets and buckets. I don't think I have any tears left to cry.

I felt a hand rubbing my back. It was quite comforting. I looked up and saw a handsome boy, around my age. He had nice, brown hair. He was wearing a white shirt with red stripes, and red skinny jeans.

"Hello, love. Are you okay?" he asked me. His voice was very sweet and gentle. He gave me a smile, and I forced a smile on my face. Looking back towards the ground, my smile faded.

"Uh...not really..." I managed to choke out.

"Do you want to talk to me? I may just be able to help you out" he said. "My name's Louis. Louis Tomlinson."

"My name is Eleanor Calder" I whispered loud enough for him to hear me.

"Well, Eleanor, would you like to talk over some hot chocolate?" Louis offered.

"I would," I began, "but someone stole my wallet. Thank you for the offer, though."

"Ahh, no worries! My treat!" Louis said with that warm smile on his face.

We walked to the Starbucks I had been at earlier, and it was completely empty. We walked up to the counter and ordered our drinks. He took a seat at a table, and I joined. We sat in an awkward silence, drinking our drinks, untilk Louis spoke up.

"Would you mind telling me whats been happening?" he asked.

"Well, I will tell you the short story. My wallet and my car got stolen, I lost my job, and my parents..." I began. He could tell I didn't want to finish, so he didn't make me.

"I'm sorry love. Would you like a ride home?" he offered. I couldn't turn it down. It was either that or walk home in the pouring rain without an umbrella.

"Thank you" that was the first time I had smiled the whole day.

We soon finished our drinks, and made our way to the car which was at the park. The park was right across the street from Starbucks.

"Where to?" he asked slamming the car door. I gave him the directions to my house, and he drove me home. There wasn't much conversation in the car. I was about to get out of the car door when Louis stopped me. "Eleanor? May I have your cell phone number, in case you want to talk?"

After we exchanged numbers, I walked inside to a messy house, with a mess of a sister on the couch. Poor Kate. She was asleep on the couch, eyes red and puffy.

I walked into my room and plopped down on my bed, thinking back on the awful day I had. Well, awful until the end. Maybe I should text him... I will tomorrow. I laid down on my bed in my soaking wet clothes, and drifted off to sleep......


A/N HELLO READERS (: haha. Sorry this chapter was short...I'm tired. Yep. SO. Comment? I wanna talk to y'all (: My kik is also NiallsLuckyPrincess if you wanna talk on yep O.O goodbye.

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