50 | The House Elf

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"You did her wrong, mate," Zabini said to Malfoy as we sat in the corner of the dungeon. Nott stood guard outside to warn us if any Death Eaters were coming, and Hermione, Ron, and Harry sat in the opposite corner, working on creating the polyjuice potion. They shot us hateful looks every so often.

"He really did," I grumbled, hugging my knees.

"This is why I don't have friends," Pansy sneered. "It gets too . . . emotional."

"We all know you don't have friends because no one wants to be your friend, Parkinson," I shot at her, and I swear I heard her growl.

"Easy," Zabini warned, holding out an arm. "Even though she's unarmed," he said, his dark eyes flicking to me, "she can have you slammed against that wall in a second."

"It was luck," I mumbled. "It's the first and last time it's gonna happen."

Draco narrowed his eyes curiously. "You did it in this very dungeon only two days ago."

"Was I talking to you?" I snapped. "I didn't think so."

He pouted. "Did I ruin a beautiful friendship? Oh, I must apologize to Davers immediately."

"David! Tracey David, you git," I punched him.

Parkinson snickered.

"Will you keep your voices down over there? She's trying to concentrate!" Ron yelled. "Bloody Death Eaters," we heard him mutter.

"Shut up, Weasel. Protecting that filthy mudblood," Parkinson spat back in disgust.

I shot her a warning glare, but Ron had already heard. He nearly rose to his feet in anguish, but was yanked down by Harry.

"What did you say to her?" he bellowed, ears turning red to match his freckled face.

"You heard me, blood traitor!" Pansy yelled back, green eyes shining with malice.

"Keep it down!" Nott hissed from outside the dungeon.

Malfoy kept Pansy rooted to the ground as her and Ron shot insults back and forth. Having enough, I decided to practice my newfound skills, and narrowed my eyes at her.


Pansy's lips snapped shut, and her emerald eyes widened in alarm. She began waving her arms wildly, smacking Zabini in the back of the head and nearly punching Malfoy in the face.

"Undo it, Steele," Malfoy said sternly, avoiding her flailing arms, but I could tell he was finding it as hilarious as I was, gray eyes full of amusement.

"Fine," I said, rolling my eyes. As I returned her to normal, she inhaled deeply, nostrils flaring, enraged.

"When Bellatrix releases my parents and I don't have to work with you anymore," she sneered, "I will turn you and your blood traitor friends into dust, Steele."

"I'll be ready," I retorted.

Malfoy was smirking—no, smiling—as if he too were looking forward to it. Suddenly, the three of them looked up over my head, and a figure sat down next to me.

"So," a dreamy voice announced, "Ollivander's not doing too well."

Pansy frowned, looking mildly surprised by Luna's confidence.

"Griphook, on the other hand, is doing quite well," Luna added. "But he will be taken for questioning soon, so whatever your plan is, you'll have to make it quick."

I nodded. "I doubt it'll take much longer."

"It's ready," Hermione said as if on cue, standing over me. "I just need a bit of your hair."

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