Winston: Friendship or Showmance?

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Brooke's POV

   Winston and I have been friends since the first day of Big Brother. I started getting feelings for him on the first day too. I didn't know if he liked me back tho. I was talking with Tyler in the living room and he asked me, "Do you like anyone?" I started blushing a little. "N-No" I said. "I don't believe you. Tell me. Please." Tyler said. Winston walked by and I looked at him. He smiled and I smiled back. Once Winston was out of earshot Tyler said "AHA EXPOSED!" We both started laughing. "So, you like Winston?" Tyler said smirking. "Y-Ya" I said. "Go talk to him" Tyler said. I gave him a thumbs up and walked out to the backyard and saw Winston in the hammock. I walked over to him.

Winston's POV

    I went to the hammock to think. I really liked Brooke but I don't know if she likes me back. Brett told me to tell her but I just wanted to think. Then I saw Brooke walk outside. She's really pretty. "Hey Winston" Brooke said. "H-hey Brooke! Y-you're really pretty!" I said, blushing. She started blushing too. "T-thanks. I wanted to talk to you." She said. "Oh okay" I said. She sat next to me on the hammock. "Um I really like you." Brooke said. "Really?? I like you too!" I said. I did something I've wanted to do for so long, I kissed her. She kissed back.

 "I love you Winston"

"I love you too Brooke"                                                                                                                                                         ________________________________________________________

This is my first imagine requested by @Brookie2105!I hope you like it!  I hope it was okay! :D

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