Winston: Jealous?

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Brooke's POV

I was hanging out with Fessie  on the hammock. We have gotten close  ever since the first day. We were talking and glanced up to see Winston walking out and looked back to Fessie. He started walking near us. "I love you Fessie as a friend" Winston ran away before I said as a friend. "I do too Brooke" Fessie said. "I'm going to go talk to Winston" I said getting up. "Have fun!" Fessie said smiling. I went inside and saw Winston sitting on the couch. "Hey Winston" I say smiling.

Winston's POV

I saw Brooke walking towards me. "Hey Winston" she said smiling. "Hey Brooke" I say with a sad smile. "Why are you so sad?" She asked. "I like you okay?! And you'll never love me because you love Fessie! And Yes I am Jealous!" I half talked, half yelled. "I like you too! Fessie and I are just friends! I don't like him other than a friend!" She said then kissed me. She pulled away and said "Do you believe me?" she said. "Yes I do" I said.                                                                                                        -----------------------------------------------------------------

Hello! I'm on a posting Spree! This is for @Brookie2105 again! I hope you liked this one too! Sorry it's short I didn't know what else to write.

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