Fessy: Love

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Fessy's POV

I have been getting along with Y/N since day one. We have gotten close and I think I might like her a little bit. Okay maybe a lot. We are sitting on the hammock and snuggling "as friends". "I love you Fessy" Y/N says out of nowhere. " You know like love love. More than a friend love." I chuckled a little and said "I know what you mean. I love you too Y/N" She smiled and I smiled back. She leaned up and kissed me. I kissed back and when we pulled apart she said "You don't know how long I wanted to do that." "Me too" I said and smiled. 


He loves me too?????? OH! MY! GOSH! AND I KISSED HIM! AHHH! Okay I should calm down now. I've liked him since day one. "Y/N! Earth to Y/N!" Fessy said in his beautiful voice. I snapped back into reality. "You were zoning out" Fessy said. "Oh sorry" I said. "It's fine" he said. "I'm going to go talk to Tyler" I said. "Okay have fun" Fessy said. I ran to find Tyler outside. "Hey Tyler! Can I talk to you?" I asked. "Sure" Tyler said. We walked to the HOH room since he was the HOH. "What's up?"he asked. He knew I liked Fessy since day one. "Fessy! Likes! Me! Too!" I said "Really! Congrats!" Tyler said. 

"I love him so much" I said.

"I know you do! And I'm glad he loves you too!" Tyler said.

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