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third person's point of view.

It was a usual morning for Lee Seokmin, or commonly known in their university as Lee Dokyeom. The alarm clock was set at five in the morning, Dokyeom's usual time to wake up. The room that served as his home for the last five years was dimly lit as it has always been. Books were neatly arranged in the shelf on a corner of his room, school papers were neatly piled on his study desk and next to it were his speakers that he hasn't used for three years. The window was slightly open, letting the cold breeze from the outside fill the empty room. Mind still fuzzy from a deep slumber, Dokyeom roamed his eyes around his room. Nothing has really changed.

Dokyeom's gaze fell on the bed across his. It has been empty ever since he lived in that specific room, since it was a personal request to the dean that no one would live with him under one roof. It was a dormitory, which contradicted his belief of not living under one roof but he firmly stood for his need to be alone. Having a roommate in this small (it was as wide as a presidential suite) room is not really included in Dokyeom's wishlist. Fixing his gaze on the bed across him, he thought his mind was playing tricks with him.

But it wasn't.

There, on the once empty bed, lies a shady man he hasn't met before. Based on Dokyeom's observation, this man is almost the same age as him, probably taking the same course as his as the man was sleeping in the dormitory which was mostly allotted for music students like him. One thing Dokyeom has observed, too, was the uneasy breathing and the trail of dried tears on the man's cheeks. If the most common reason for it would be considered, the man probably was feeling homesick.

Those observations were enough for Dokyeom to think that this stranger inside his house is a new roommate and a new student, probably. There's no doubt that this man would be the first person to ever share a room with him, that this man would be the one to ruin his safety haven. Dokyeom wouldn't let that happen tho.

Dokyeom got up, wanting to get ready as fast as he could. It was still five in the morning, too early to go to school yet but Dokyeom had more important things to do at school. Telling this situation to the university dean is his top priority as of now. Surely, he has some school works left undone but those are still to be submitted the next week. Right now, his mind is clouded with his need of personal space and he wouldn't let this shady man in his room take over the room that has helped him isolate himself.

Never would he ever again let others take his freedom away.

The cold water made Dokyeom shiver as it made contact with his skin. It was quite obvious that Dokyeom forgot to turn the heater on but he continued to shower anyway. In the midst of his cold shower, there came a knock on the bathroom door, shocking him almost to death. If it weren't for his quick reflexes, Dokyeom would've slipped on the slippery bathroom floor.

Turning the shower off, he quickly put his towel on and head over to answer the door.

"Who is it?" he was about to grab the doorknob and lock it but it was already twisted and the door opened widely, revealing the shady man with messy hair, eyes were droopy due to sleep.

The man was as shocked as he is, but this man was quicker to regain his composure. "Oh my gosh! Seokmin!"

"Get the hell out!" Dokyeom grabbed the knob and pushed the door along with the man. But the man fought back, making him almost loose his balance as he lost his grip on the doorknob.

"Oh, sorry, hyung!" the man was quick to apologise. "I didn't know you were my roommate!"

That statement clarified Dokyeom's assumptions. This man in front of him would really be his roommate, and why didn't the officials inform him? As one of the important figures in the university, Dokyeom has the right to these sorts of information.

Dokyeom stood up, glowering at the intruder. "I didn't know I was having a roommate."

"But isn't that fantastic? We're both surprised!" the man laughed enthusiastically, too enthusiastic for this time of the morning.

Dokyeom grunted in displeasure. The man seemed too naive to notice his dislike for him, nor to feel the tension he's giving off around him. But what would you expect about new students? This university hasn't taught them yet, as they act not accordingly to the university's mission and vision.

As much as he despise having a conversation with basically everyone, he still brought himself to respond to the man.

"I don't care," nonchalantly, he responded.

But the man did not seem to waver. He was still smiling. "I know! You're the great Lee Dokyeom, of course these things would always seem petty for you, but it's okay! I just want you to know that I'm deeply honoured to be in your presence. I'm a fan!"

Dokyeom deadpanned. "Why are you even..."

Dokyeom wanted to ask why is that man even in their university? That personality of his would never fit inside this society-built university. How did he even pass? For what Dokyeom knows, the entrance exams were really difficult and only those with great talents were able to step inside the prestigious university. Looking at this man in front of him, there's no way he would ever pass even the interview.

"Ohoho, don't be like that hyung," the man hit him jokingly. "You have a lot of fans, even from other schools! I'm one of those that's why I strove hard to be one of your lucky classmates."

The stranger smiled wider than before, if that was even possible and it was. "By the way, my name is Seungkwan Boo and I'm from Jeju. I'll be your best friend 'til forever!"

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