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third person's point of view

Never make a promise when you're happy, and never make a decision when you're angry.

Dokyeom doesn't feel any anger nor hatred to anyone, he just felt the need of his own privacy and the need of isolation from the unreal world the university made for him. The four walls of the room had been the witnesses to all his breakdowns, and those walls witnessed how weak Dokyeom really is. The cold wind which embraces him every morning, the only thing that calms him, wouldn't be the same from now on. Everything inside his once safety haven had changed.


Dokyeom stood in front of his grandmother, who was commonly known as the dean of the university, Lee Minryeong. Her delicate features shone in the bright sunlight peeking through the window sill. Light make-up covering any sign of aging on the old woman's face. Truly, this woman in front of Dokyeom is the epitome of grace and beauty, which helped her gain all the respect and admiration from everyone.

Minryeong's eyes did not waver off Dokyeom, instead her gaze became even more intense. "Is there anything wrong with having roommates, Seokmin?"

Seokmin, Dokyeom's real name. It has been years since he last heard someone call him with that name, and hearing it from his grandmother in this situation, he knew this was something serious.

"Never have I thought that you still remember my name," Dokyeom spat those words out like a venom in his mouth. "Tell me, grandmother, is this one of your tactics to gain more servants for your palace?"

Minryeong shook her head, tracing the corners of her table with her delicate fingers. "There is no palace in here, son. You are no servant. What I want you to see are those things beyond what you believe. You don't think you know everything, do you?"

Dokyeom clenched his fists. "I do. I see all perspectives, so stop acting like a concerned Mufasa because if this is Lion King, you are the Scar, and I am just one of your hyenas."

"Does that mean you're going to betray me in the end?" Minryeong smiled, showing a row of her beautiful white teeth. "That doesn't mean like that, does it?"

"It might," Dokyeom turned his back on his grandmother and started to walk away, but stopped when Minryeong spoke.

"You are Simba, looking for his long lost Nala," Dokyeom felt his heart pierced with every words his grandmother said. "And what helped them find each other? You wouldn't know unless you understand."

Dokyeom looked back, eyes flaring with anger. "We aren't in no Disney movie, grandmother. Don't drag me in that fantasy you made for our family because honestly speaking, I'm tired of this. I am no Disney princess, so stop treating me like one. If it weren't for my father's reputation, you would've lost your only grandson a long time ago."

Dokyeom was about to leave, but remembered something that he should have told his grandmother. Turning again to face the supposedly villain in his life, Dokyeom spoke in such painful tone. "I'm sorry, that was a mistake. What I meant was, if it weren't for my father's reputation, you would have lost your only remaining grandson."

With those last words, Dokyeom left.

As painful as it could be, Dokyeom had to endure everything on his own. What this university had molded him into was a perfect Lee Dokyeom, and no one knew who Lee Seokmin was. He was never Lee Seokmin. Students only knew Dokyeom; the perfect student everyone wishes to be. He had no friends, for he must be protected from all sorts of bad influences. He had no freedom, for everything he does should be perfect in society's eyes. He had no family, for he had lost them long time ago. He had nothing, only this fame that won't bring him even the littlest bit of happiness.

He had no emotions, for once he feel anything, everything would turn to ashes. Once he felt happiness, it was temporary. Once he felt love, it was yet temporary. Once he felt melancholy, it stayed permanently. It was melancholy which lead to anger and this permanent grudge he holds to everyone.

As he passed by the corridors, he was stopped by a loud voice coming from the other end of the hallway. "Dokyeom-chan!"

It was Hoshi, the annoying Japanese who was announced to be his-- their -- new roommate this morning. Dokyeom could feel his headache coming back as Hoshi and Seungkwan strode faster to get to him. The two looked stupid together, their duo seemed too common. When other students see him hanging out with these two, they'd probably freak out saying why Dokyeom stoop down to their level.

He isn't mad, nor being judgemental. As the model student of Seoul Institute of Arts, Dokyeom has the biggest responsibility among all students, which includes him picking friends of his own level. But he doesn't really get any, most students are intimidated by his mere presence and does not dare to approach him. What he could do about that is nothing, for it was his choice to be like what he is right now.

"Why?" Dokyeom asked with his forehead creased as soon as the two boys reached him. "I'm quite busy, please make it quick."

"Ah, Dokyeom hyung!" Seungkwan suddenly clung his arms to Dokyeom's. "We were just wondering if you could show me around? Hoshi hyung doesn't want to come without you!"

Dokyeom removed Seungkwan's arms from his. "As I said earlier, I'm busy. Excuse me."

"Nooooo!" the two yelled loudly.

Good thing there were no students in the hallway nor in the classrooms. If there are any, for sure what these two are doing would cause a scene involving him. Students are quite sensitive about other students approaching Dokyeom, and would make a scene if any of them witness what's happening right now.

"Let go of me," Dokyeom said sternly. "I have classes in two hours. Just go without me."

Hoshi pouted. "But don't you wanna come? We're gonna tour the whole university within two hours! Please, Dokyeom! Onegai shimasu?"

"Last time I checked, we're not friends, just acquaintances. No, just roommates. I don't think that's right either because I haven't really accepted both of you as my roommates," Dokyeom was impatient, as it was evident in his voice. Firmly, but carefully, he removed Hoshi's grip from his uniform. "Do whatever you want. It doesn't concern me, anyway."

For the umpteenth time, he rejected the people who wanted to befriend him. It has always been this way, and Lee Dokyeom is used to it.

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