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third person's point of view

Dokyeom closed his eyes in annoyance.

It was only eight in the morning but the hallways were already filled with students scurrying their ways to the announcement board. As to what the reason was, Dokyeom doesn't know. He's busy opting out the noise from everyone as he walk towards his first subject. There were students who greeted him on the way, and to Dokyeom's annoyance, some even offered him some gifts. He had no choice but to accept them, but he never uttered the word thanks as he received the presents.

"Dokyeom-ssi," Dokyeom halted, and turned to look at the person who called him. "Are you joining the annual event?"

The lady must have been one of his classmates since she looked familiar. But not because they're classmates, he should entertain the former. He eyed her from head to toe, and decided to just shrug her question off. Surely other students would come to him asking the same question the lady had just asked him, and as usual, he would just answer them with a shrug.

"Everyone's waiting for your decision," the lady smiled. "We're hoping that you would join this time. The event is three months from now, you would still have time to prepare and to decide."

"What event is that?" he sighed. The lady doesn't look like she's gonna give up.

"It's the annual talent showcase, DK-ssi," she smiled, again. "You wouldn't be aware since you're always outside the campus and competing for academic purposes."

That was accurate though. Dokyeom never joined any school-based events. He was always out of town, competing regionally, nationally and sometimes, internationally. For him, these events don't have significance and won't add up to his achievements. Dokyeom had always trained to be academically intelligent, he was a Science, Math and English intellectual. There had been a lot of competitions he has won for the school.

But this, annual talent showcase is a new thing for Dokyeom. He might be a music student, but he has never performed nor sang in front of anyone. Only the four walls of his previously owned room in the dormitory have heard his singing voice.

"I'll think about it," he waved his hand and dismissed the student.

He didn't know why he thought of considering the invitation. As a man with passion in music, he would really love to share his talent to the university. But that wasn't what he planned. What was in his plan was he would just stay as an academically-inclined music student who does not bother about co-curricular things.

Tho thinking about performing in front of the students, the look of satisfaction on the audience's faces while watching his performance, the smiles on their faces as they watch Dokyeom sing his heart out from the stage, those things make Dokyeom consider this invitation to perform on the annual event.

"Dokyeom hyung!" just as Dokyeom thought he was already free, Seungkwan suddenly showed up beside him and put his arms around him. "Have you heard about the annual event? I can't believe this university does that. You're so lucky!"

Hoshi showed up beside Seungkwan, startling the hell out of Dokyeom. "Are you joining this time, Seokmin? For the past eight years, you haven't joined in any categories yet."

"Do you join yearly, Hoshi hyung?" Seungkwan asked in amazement, not removing his hands off Dokyeom.

Hoshi nodded proudly. "Yes, but I do solo. But I'm joining this year with my friends from performing arts department. I have these two Chinese friends named Minghao and Junhui, and my junior choreographer named Chan. They're really good in dancing, you know."

"That's amazing! What are you gonna perform?" Seungkwan still wasn't removing his arm off Dokyeom, and the latter is slowly getting annoyed.

Hoshi glanced at Dokyeom's annoyed face and laughed. "I have this song I composed, titled Highlight. Chan and I had done most of the choreography and Jun and Minghao are helping to polish the dance. Do you wanna join? I don't mind adjusting the choreo if you're joining."

"Ah no, no," Seungkwan was quick to turn the invitation down. "I'd rather sing. I'm more confident with that."

Hoshi laughed heartily. "Seokmin here is a singer! Why don't you two join the contest together? I bet you'd slay the performance with your voices."

"You haven't even heard me sing," Dokyeom deadpanned at Hoshi, but he only earned a teasing smile from the older and a gasp from Seungkwan. "What?"

"You talked to us!" Seungkwan exclaimed, too excitedly. "Did you hear that Hoshi hyung? He talked to us!"

"Why do you make it sound like I'm a baby who just said his first word?" Dokyeom started to walk to his first class, not minding the judgmental looks given by the students to the two boys beside him.

"That's the longest sentence you've said to us," even if Dokyeom wasn't looking, he was sure that Hoshi was grinning annoyingly while he said that. Hoshi always does that. They just literally met yesterday, but Dokyeom could tell those annoying habits that the older does.

"Whatever," he just said as he entered his first class.

Dokyeom was greeted with the mixed scents of different people, which was further mixed with the scent of chlorofluorocarbons coming from the air conditioner. That added up to his headache but he couldn't do anything with that, it was the natural environment that he has to be used with. With the addition of these two annoying newcomers who never did anything but to follow and annoy him.

He was used to it, getting all the attentions and being admired by a lot of people. But having someone who stick with him even if he pushed them away the first time? That's new to him. As unusual as it may sound but he could pay those two annoying students a compliment.

But they're dedication should not get to him. Everyone kills Caesar, and Dokyeom has taught himself not to trust anyone, not even his own self.

"Move away, that's my seat."

To say that he's surprised is an understatement. Dokyeom tilted his head to where the commotion was and saw a tall male standing in front of Seungkwan. There were three more males behind the said guy, and from their looks, they looked like those badass bullies who always get their wants with their dirty ways. The group of bullies seemed to not notice Dokyeom's presence in the room, nonetheless, even if the bullies knew he was in the room, they would proceed in bullying the students.

Dokyeom had never interfered with the bullying in the university, but his mere presence stops them in most of the cases. This one looks like it doesn't belong to those cases.

"I said move! You disgusting pig. Go back to your rotting province, you piece of junk," the bully kicked Seungkwan's thigh.

To Dokyeom's amazement, Seungkwan raised his left eyebrow at the bully. "Excuse me?"

"You're excused, shithead. Move!" the bully raised his hand to slap Seungkwan, but Seungkwan was fast to get up and grab the man's arm.

"Did you just call my province, rotting? Oh no, you didn't," Seungkwan twisted the man's arm and glared at the other three when they tried to stop him. "Listen here, you whiteass motherfather. I don't usually curse, but seeing your face today makes me want to shit on you. What did you call me a while ago? A disgusting pig? Boy, you mispronounced legendary, thought you'd know how to pronounce things but looking at how small your head is, I'm sure as hell there's nothing within that. Oh, and I'm not talking about your head with the mouth and eyes and those blackheads you have. I'm talking about your dick, or do you have one? I guess I have nothing to talk about then! One more thing, you piece of blueberry mac and cheese, never ever badmouth my province. Jeju is the best place in the world and if you have something against that, you better keep it to yourself because once I hear Jeju and your voice in one sentence, I'd literally hunt you with a nail cutter and a piece of lemon. Sounds good?"

And maybe that was the first time Dokyeom laughed in his entire life.

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