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third person's point of view

Dokyeom came home around six in the evening with Hoshi still clinging onto his arm. The whole day felt exhausting not because of he events that occurred in the university but because of this clingy man whose mouth never seem to stop talking. He was about to open the door when a hand rested on his shoulder. It was heavier than Hoshi's hand, and Dokyeom confirmed it wasn't Hoshi suddenly yelled,


Both of them looked back to greet Seungkwan who surprisingly was holding a case of beer. His eyes were bloodshot and a huge dorky grin was plastered on his face. His cheeks were streaked with tracks of tears which looked jarring on such a delicate skin. His eyes were unfocused although he didn't smell of beer, which means he wasn't drinking yet. But as what Dokyeom had observed, Seungkwan had surely been out and wandering and crying.

"Y'all want to get wasted?" Seungkwan gave them a cheeky grin.


Dokyeom took another shot of beer. He wasn't drunk yet and is still aware of his surrounding but Seungkwan is already drifting off to sleep. He warned them that he has low alcohol tolerance and well, he really does. Seungkwan hasn't finished one bottle yet and he's already drunk.

"I'm out!" Seungkwan was still acting normal despite being drunk. "I love you both, mwah!"

Seungkwan even kissed his and Hoshi's cheeks before climbing onto his bed, which earned Seungkwan a glare from Dokyeom. Seconds later, they heard the light snores coming from Seungkwan, indicating that the boy has already fallen asleep. Dokyeom put his glass down after finishing it, and decided to take a rest. as he was standing, Hoshi suddenly grabbed his hand and pulled him down beside him.

"Drink with me, Seokmin," Hoshi grinned. "It's not called a party with only one person celebrating."

Dokyeom sighed and sat down beside Hoshi. He was sleepy and tired, but the look Hoshi has on his face somehow made Dokyeom stay beside the latter.

"We have classes tomorrow," Dokyeom said in a matter of fact tone.

It was true, tho. They really do have classes in the morning and Dokyeom had never stayed this late whenever he has classes the next day. He would only stay until past midnight if he has school works to finish but in his situation right now, he's completely homework-free and should have been sleeping hours ago yet here he is, sitting beside his new roommate and drinking beer with him.

"I know," Hoshi leaned on him and rested his head on Dokyeom's shoulder. "Loosen up, nerd. Just for tonight, okay?"

Dokyeom sighed, again. "First, I am offended that you called me a nerd. Second, I don't want to. Let's sleep already."

Dokyeom tried to push Hoshi off him but the latter won't budge. The older was still resting his head on his shoulder and few minutes later, he heard light snores coming from Hoshi's mouth. An exasperated sigh escaped from his mouth as he lightly tugged on Hoshi's sleeves, aiming to wake the older up without being disrespectful.

Dokyeom breathe in relief when Hoshi finally moved, but was shocked to death when Hoshi suddenly snuggled closer to him and buried his face at the crook of his neck. He couldn't move, his mind became blank for a moment, his mind couldn't register what was happening.

Say he's overreacting? No.

"H-hey," Dokyeom slightly pushed Hoshi's face away. "Don't do that..."

Hoshi just hummed in response.

Dokyeom couldn't move, and he ended up staring at the man sleeping on him. He would be lying if he said that Hoshi isn't cute because his eyes remained slanted even if he was asleep. His cheeks looked fluffier and Dokyeom couldn't help himself but to pinch Hoshi's cheeks.

So soft.

His hand travelled to the sleeping boy's hair.

Damn, it was softer than it looks.

Dokyeom displayed a subtle smile on his face as he snuggled closer to the sleeping Hoshi. The gap between the two boys was not visible, but Dokyeom still felt cold. He needed more warmth so he snaked his arms around Hoshi and hugged the boy tightly, resting his head on the older's hair.

He smells nice, too.

Dokyeom closed his eyes as he comfortably sat on the floor, with Hoshi in his arms and their bodies close together, removing the coldness of the night.

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