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seokjin POV

it's monday night meaning y/n is having her yoga class but i can't bring myself to see her. saturday night was when we shared a kiss that I initiated. it's 5pm and jungkook is getting ready to go.

"i heard there won't be many people today." he said.

"why?" i half heartedly say.

"many of the business men that go, you know men like us who want to see y/n, they're all abroad right now or having anniversary with their wife and family. can you imagine those men in a our class twice y/n's age but attend her class anyway?" jungkook chuckles.

i just hum but sit straight up. who will be in her class then? i have to keep an eye on jungkook, that youngster always stirs trouble.

"who will be there then?" i ask.

"i'm guessing me and some ahjummas." he shrugs and puts on a sleeveless t-shirt showing his muscle pig arms. i just shove the thoughts away of jungkook possibly stealing y/n away from me. i mean we're in a business deal of course she's now a valuable member of the... team.

"bye hyung!" jungkook shouts as he closes the door. i was too lost in my thoughts that he left already.

y/n POV

my yoga class has started and for the first time i only have one student and it's jeon jungkook. he arrived with his own mat as usual and a bottle of water. i have the room dimmed and i have the sound of rain as background music. i light some incense that smells like roses and ginger. jungkook's eyes are open and his features are soft because of the dim light, he's sitting criss-cross applesauce like me.

the clock shows 6pm so i make my way to lock the door of the studio. i want my students to have complete privacy no matter how many i have. i sit back down and glance at jungkook.

"is there anything you want to focus for today?" i say softly. the room is starting to heat up.

"i have been stressed lately, a good stretch would be nice." he says. "oh and possibly can we do new yoga poses? like harder ones?"

"of course." i say. "bring your mat closer to the mirror and next to mine jungkook-ssi." i see his eyes avert from mine quickly as he gathers his belongings and places his mat next to mine closer to the mirrored wall.

jungkook follows what i do in the mirror and we stretch our arms, legs, in a very slow pace of course. no words were really said. after twenty minutes it's time for new poses. i want to show him the crab pose where you put your knees on your elbows and balance on your hands. jungkook looks funny as his muscular arms are shaking under his weight and he can't seem to balance.

i stand behind him and hold his hips in place. his ears turn red as he's not as shaky now since i'm helping. he holds it for ten seconds and i release my grip on his hips.

"fun right?" i chuckle as he sits on the mat and just nods. there's still thirty minutes left of yoga.

"y/n-ssi, can i ask you something?" he asks and i nod.

"how old are you?" he asks.

"i'm 18." i smile. and his mouth hangs open. "shall we continue the lesson?" i ask his eyes still having a far away look then he just nods.

the last ten minutes jungkook had stuttered when he asked me to massage him. i told him he could've asked sooner and i would've given him a full body massage, i know how to do them because my mom had always asked me to give her massages. next time i told him i would give him a full body massage.

now he's laying on his stomach, his face turned to the right under a towel i had given him. my hands work my way up his shoulders to the lower back, i could feel his tense muscles and i ignore the rising heat in my cheeks, kneading through the knots i found a spot under his right shoulder blade that seemed particularly tight.

"you're too young to be this stressed, you have so many tight spots." i say to him concerned. he just nervously chuckles, "i've only ever been working, ever since i was 13." he says.

"oh? you're quite the prodigy." i compliment. jungkook says, "you are too, i mean you're successful now."

"thank you jungkook-ssi." i smile even though he can't see my smile.

author POV

jungkook is sprawled out against his mat, this is his time to clear his mind but it's only filled with the way he and y/n got along, her hands felt so tender against his back and the way she caressed his exposed arms, he couldn't help but get goosebumps.

seokjin stands outside the door and he had managed to find the key and open the door only to see a mediating y/n and jungkook side by side on their mats. the sight gave the eldest hyung a pang of jealousy, now he had wished he came to the yoga session.

meanwhile jungkook can feel y/n's heat and presence by his side. he turns his head to her and sees seokjin standing by door but he quickly and quietly closes it after being caught, jungkook could only smirk. his eyes travel to y/n's face, her mouth slightly agape and her hair laid gracefully along the mat. he observes the way her belly rises and falls slowly, she just looks so peaceful. jungkook gets on his right forearm, slightly leaning over y/n's figure.

he wants to touch her but it's interrupted when the sound of her phone ringing goes off but she doesn't open her eyes. i look at the called ID and it reads-
psycho ex.

jungkook really wants to answer but it keeps ringing until y/n opens her eyes and grabs her phone. immediately putting it on silent. jungkook is curious but doesn't dare to ask. y/n let's out a deep sigh and begins cleaning up the studio.

"thank you spending your monday evening with me jungkook-ssi." she smiles as she hands him a green tea candy. jungkook quickly exits the studio and into his car. when will he have a chance to be alone with y/n again?

y/n POV

this ex-boyfriend of mine will just not leave me alone... we broke up six months ago, he broke up with me and now he's crawling back. my friends heard the girl he cheated with me, he found his new girl sleeping with another man a couple weeks ago. now he has no where to go and wants to meet me again. i never go back to my past relationships, i don't do second chances, i've learned my lesson multiple times that people don't change that quickly.

that's when i heard a knock on my door and without thinking i just open it and a delivery man has white flowers in his arms.

"delivered for miss l/n y/n from unknown." the man smiles.

"t-thank you." i say as he handed me the bouquet of flowers, i count thirty as the man turns around and walks away. i smell the flowers and admire their elegance. the flowers have a familiarity, as if i had just visited a childhood park i haven't been to for a while, like a distant memory.

placing the flowers in a vase i spot a note that's slowly getting wet because of the water, i quickly remove it and the note reads, "these flowers are the closest i could find that resemble you

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placing the flowers in a vase i spot a note that's slowly getting wet because of the water, i quickly remove it and the note reads, "these flowers are the closest i could find that resemble you. but never have i seen a beauty that could not be matched." and then a pink heart follows the message, a mix of emotions flow through me. an admirer perhaps? or a stalker? because how does this person know where i live?

seokjin POV

after i had seen jungkook and y/n in the studio alone i went back to our house, the jealousy still coursing through my veins i make a sharp u-turn, away from the house and to the night club.

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