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i wanted seokjin to meet my dad, my mother passed away when i was a girl so all i have is my dad. when the trip to Jeju had ended i was about to ask seokjin to come over to my dad's house, my childhood home.

but i was informed that he was in the hospital, apparently he was gardening and had fallen off the ladder ten feet in the air when removing vines from the side of the house.

seokjin insisted on driving me to the hospital, he wanted to meet my dad but...

"no! you're not meeting him like this! he could get a heart attack!" i urgently said.

"what do you mean! he needs all the love he can get! i bought a fruit basket!" seokjin whines.

"no! he'll only freak out more, i've never brought a man home or even let my dad meet any man!" i say quickly before turning the corner to where my dad's hospital room is.

seokjin keeps following me and we stand outside the door of my dad's room.

"i want to get permission to marry you." seokjin says seriously.

my eyes widen and i put my hand over his mouth in case my dad heard.

"marriage? aren't we still too young?" i whisper.

"no, i'm 26, i'm at a good age to get married and i chose you." he says matter of factly.

"well..." i try to think of a comeback. "i'm still young!"

"you know you'll never meet a man like me." he boasts.

"you always manage to compliment yourself in some way." i chuckle. "but do not worry, you're right. i love a confident man." i pat his head. "but not today, i don't think my father would like you."

"why? i'm worldwide funny guy." he pouts.

"you're also worldwide annoying." i mumble.

"what was that y/n?" seokjin asks.

"n-nothing." i clear my throat and gently push seokjin away from the door. "just go to work! we will discuss this later!"

seokjin gives me a quick peck on the cheek.

"i'll do whatever it takes to marry you y/n! just you wait!" he announces before giving me the fruit basket and turning on his heels to the exit.

i walked into the hospital room, my dad is awake and reading a book. he has a neck brace and an arm cast on his right arm

"dad." i call to him and quickly walk to the side of the bed to hold his hand. "how can you do this yourself?"

"don't worry my daughter." he assured me.

"are you hungry?" i ask.

"no, but what do you have there?" he points at the fruit basket.

"a gift from a close friend." i tell him.

"looks expensive." my dad simply states. "you have rich friends now?" he jokes.

"you can say that." i softly said.

"what are you doing here? you have work."

"aishhhh, why would i leave you here alone? who will take care of you?"

"honey, as long as i have my netflix i'm okay. i brought my iPad." my dad said.

"you don't need me?" i pout.

"i'll always need you, but you don't have to worry about your old man here. i'll be good to go in a week." he says weakly.

i sigh and i know how stubborn he is, my dad and seokjin are similar in many ways. passionate, kind, and witty.

"dad... how would you feel if i have a boyfriend?" i carefully ask.

"you're old enough now. i'm guessing you have one since you asked. who's the lucky man?"

i sigh again in relief.

"he was here but i didn't want to make you uncomfortable." i admit.

"oh, that's good you didn't. it would've hurt my pride." my dad chuckles.

"thank you dad. once you're better we can have dinner. all three of us." i manage a smile before gathering my belongings and kissing my dad on the cheek.

"i'm still calling auntie to watch over you, she has a day off today." i said before exiting the door.

my dad gives a small wave and i smile as i make my way out of the hospital. however, i didn't expect seokjin to be waiting. he's just standing by his car but he looks undeniably handsome in his suit.

"seokjin oppa." i call out to him. "were you waiting for me?"

"couldn't let my lady take the bus to work now can i?" he flashes me his signature smile.

i shake my head and smile while he holds the door for me to get in and walks around the car to also get in.

"oppa, do you even know when my birthday is?" i ask hoping he'll remember it's tomorrow.

"no. i thought it passed." seokjin said.

i sulk in the chair, i guess i'll just spend another birthday alone.

"what are you doing tomorrow night?" he asks.

"stay home, why?"

"i'm coming over so we can binge watch The Office." he smiles.

"sounds good." i say with a fake smile.

"when can i meet your dad?"

"next week when he gets better." i reply.

"have you thought about marriage yet?" he presses on.

"seokjin!" i raise my voice, warning him i still need time to think.

"please y/n! i want to get married as soon as possible i can marry you today if i could!" seokjin whines and gently smacks the arm of the seat.

"you! AISH, who do you think you are?" i try to sound sassy but in truth i am flustered.

"are you still having a yoga lesson on friday?" seokjin asks chancing the subject.

"of course."

"make sure to wear something sexy."

"pervert..." i mumble.


everyone is in downward dog and i feel the blood rush up in my head as i eye the men and women behind me as i instruct in front of all of them.

"breathe in through your nose and exhale out your mouth. use your dragon breathe to release all your stress." i said.

the sound of the collective sighs from everyone echoes in the studio. seokjin is right behind me so i can't tell if he's eyeing me up and down... that pervert. today's my birthday and i guess he and i will be hanging out at my place.

after class jungkook and seokjin stayed behind while i cleaned up. the lights turned off all of a sudden, the two boys no where in sight. until i see the door open and jungkook enters with a cupcake that has a candle on it and seokjin holds a bag, i'm assuming a gift.

they start singing happy birthday and i just smile widely. when they finished jungkook took some frosting and placed it on my nose, i giggle until i felt seokjin lick it away.

my face turns red and jungkook smacks seokjin on the neck.

"don't do that in front of my innocent eyes!" he whined.

"don't touch my woman like that! she's mine!" seokjin said wrapping his arm around my shoulder possessively.

"thank you jungkook oppa and seokjin oppa." i said taking a biting out of the vanilla cupcake.

just then the door of my studio opens revealing a tall middle aged man with a goatee and a suit.


Yoga Instructor | k.sjUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum