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y/n POV

i'm writing out the paperwork for a banquet, Moxy caters and now i need to hire more part time workers. there will be sixty people and they wanted sirloin steak as the main dish which will cost several hundred dollars or a couple thousand, feeding that many mouths and preparing by the end of week, i think i have to cancel my yoga sessions. no i can't, i think to myself. i should think about my well being, work isn't everything.

i take a look at the clock, it's friday and my lessons start in an hour. i guess i have to see seokjin today.


seokjin didn't come, jungkook is here though. and he looks really happy. and again, he's the only one here which made me confused.

"y/n-ssi, how is work?" he asks.

"it's pretty hectic jungkook-ssi, after the banquet i'm catering, i'll go to you and seokjin's company to make the advertising plans." i say as i set up the studio.

"y/n, call me oppa!" he says, i look at him with surprised eyes.

"alright, we're friends now. don't need to get all worked up." i chuckle.

i see jungkook nibble on his bottom lip.

"y-y/n?" he begins and i hum in response.

"c-ca-can we go s-somewhere? i know you probably don't want t-to, but since no one's here..." he stops when he sees me staring at him with a wide smile.

"of course! shall we go eat dinner? or the beach? it's so hot out today, or maybe a movie? the spa?" i say excitedly.

jungkook thinks y/n looks like a puppy right now as if she's getting ready for a walk. the thought made him soft for the 18 year old.

without giving jungkook the time to respond i put away my mat and tidy up, quickly changing my yoga shorts to regular Levi jean shorts. jungkook watches me scramble about as he packs his stuff.

"my car or yours?" he asks.

"we can just follow each other, no?" i say with an eyebrow raised.

"o-oh you're right." he says.

"let's go to a night club!" i say hurrying him out there door. i haven't had a night out in months and jungkook seems to be the perfect partner.


shot after shot jungkook and i drank, our competitive sides taking over.

"i have a high tolerance you know." i say smiling. "i do too." he replies.

when i felt my head start to buzz i somehow thought about seokjin and when we had our drinking game that ultimately led to that drunk kiss and when jungkook picked him up that day. the sudden thought made me space out, to which jungkook notices. before he asks i say, "did you see what seokjin did when you picked him up that night?"

jungkook looks at me confused. "what did he do?" okay so he didn't see i thought.

"he... cried in front of me." i lied. "he looked so funny but i couldn't bring myself to tell that to his face. i guess he was really scared." i laugh nervously. jungkook seems to buy it as he nods and takes another shot.

more people are filling the club, i may be 18 but then again, i look 25 so no one questions my age. i always use it to my advantage at the bar as we ordered more shots. it's 8pm and jungkook is more drunk than me, i'm still sane though.

i watch as jungkook stumbles to the dance floor and starts twerking making everyone around him stay away at a distance. the scene just made me want to take a picture.

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