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Khaled was walking away. He was walking away fast as hell. He had literally jetted out of the building at that moment.

I had tried to talk to O'Ryan about it but it was too late. O'Ryan had been too busy putting his clothes on. I found myself with just boxer briefs on chasing Khaled to the front of the building. I watched as two gay guys walking their poodles whistled at me.

Khaled finally turned around when he realized I wasn't going to stop chasing after him...boxers and all.

"I'm trying to keep my distance," he asked, "You know how my temper gets. I'm not trying to hurt no one or do anything I'll regret. I can't believe I put that motherfucker on the lease..."

He was breathing slow. I could tell Khaled was pissed. Khaled looked like he was really going through it right now. I didn't blame him. This all looked bad. My asshole was still wet. Me and O'Ryan must have really got it in last night. I didn't remember a damn thing though. I just remembered getting drunk as fuck and going to sleep...alone. Now I was up.

"You can't just walk away. Like. Don't just leave. Talk to me."

Khaled's face lit up almost into a smile. It wasn't like he was happy though. It was one of those sarcastic...'I – can't – believe – this – shit – is – happening' type smiles. He was not amused. He wasn't happy even in the slightest.

"So let me get this right," Khaled said, "You are so mad that I did oral with O'Ryan meanwhile you let him bust a nut in you...raw?"

"I had no idea that was going to happen."

"When he bust in you?'

"The sex period. I don't remember anything."

Khaled rolled his eyes, "Man bullshit. I can't even front. This must be how you felt when ya'll fucked."

"Wait...you wanted to have a threesome with him..."

"An oral threesome."
"That ain't no better."

Khaled rolled his eyes. He was being smart, "Yes the hell it is. For me it is. I'm not having no dude fucking my man raw. Are you serious?"

"He's clean right."

"Yeah he's clean. We get tested all the time. That's not the point. I don't want him fucking you. That is off limits in a threesome. That is my ass."

I didn't know how to respond to this. Khaled was communicating more than he ever usually communicated when it came to this. We had never been in a situation where he was mad at me for something like this. Usually I was mad at him.


Khaled why you flirting with the waiter.

Khaled, pull up your pants.

Khaled, whose that guy who keeps staring at you at the gym?

Khaled, do you always have to walk around without a shirt.

Usually I was the one jealous. To see Khaled actually being the one jealous seemed so different. The tables had turned. He had gotten a taste of his own medicine and I hated to admit that it felt kind of good.

"Khaled. I was drunk. I don't remember. I know that sounds stupid. I know that—"

He cut me off, "I can't take you fucking serious right now. My thing is you got me over here this whole time feeling sick. Everyday trying to beg you not to leave me. Meanwhile you ain't no better. You just as bad."

"I'm sorry Khaled."

"Save it. You know what. You were right. This O'Ryan situation isn't working out. Bills might be cheaper but it's putting a strain on our relationship. I'm going to talk to him tonight. He has to leave."
"Oh now he has to leave."

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