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"This is 104.3. My name is DJ O'Ryan Dallas and I'm joined by Pussy Galore and Jimmy Jaxx. This is the Beat. Thanks for all our listeners out there joining us tonight!"

I looked over to my right. Everyone was staring at me. The interns were staring at me and so was Mr. Black. They wanted to know how I was going to deal with everything. The Village was buzzing. Being that everyone kind of knew everyone else in the village everyone had the same thing on their minds. Everyone wanted to know what was going on with Khaled, O'Ryan and I...especially after the party. People wanted to know.

"The topic of the day is..." Pussy started off.

I cut her off, "My relationship.

Pussy looked over at me. O'Ryan gave me a look as well. They were both surprised. I had spent so much time trying to get my relationship off the air. After what happened at my birthday party, I knew that I had to talk about it.

"Are you sure you want to..." O'Ryan started up.

I nodded at him.

"I want to address it. I think a lot of rumors have been going on around the village about my relationship status. I know people had some questions. So let's do it. Let's clear everything up."

Pussy seemed more than happy, "Well let's jump into it. Everyone go ahead and email DJ Dallas with questions that you have. While we wait for the questions to come in, how about you just go ahead and answer a question for me. Exactly what is your relationship status."

I looked over at O'Ryan.

"I am in a relationship with O'Ryan Dallas and I also have a relationship with Khaled."

Pussy looked confused by it. She stared at me for a second but then stared at O'Ryan.

"And you O'Ryan. Do you have a relationship with Khaled as well or..."

O'Ryan nodded, "It's different from my relationship with Jimmy but yes I do care about Khaled. And that actually is a good transition to our first email. Jimmy are you ready for it. This one is for you?"

I hesitated. It didn't take these gays much time at all to start digging through.


"Ok. Victor from the west side says 'Dear Jimmy, I am completely obsessed with the idea of a polyamorous relationship. However...do you believe that an open relationship is going to help further spread stereotypical views of gay society?"

Pussy turned to me. I thought about that. It was a tough one.

I drank some water. I could see everyone in the studio looking at me. The nerves were really getting to me. If O'Ryan wasn't across from me I possibly would have just broken down right there.

"I believe love is love," I replied, "I think that I am trying something new and exciting. I'm not trying to be a moral compass for anyone however. I'm not trying to tell anyone that having one mate isn't enough. I'm just going through this because I'm kind of seeing that maybe it is possible to fall in love with someone else."

"See that is where I'm confused," Pussy replied, "If you were so in love with Khaled that how is it that you even could have been opened up to being with O'Ryan?"

She would follow up with a hard question.

I sighed.

"That's fair. Just because you love someone doesn't mean that you can't feel incomplete."

"So what you're saying is...Khaled didn't satisfy you?"

She bopped her eyelashes and looked at me. I didn't know how to answer it. I had no doubt that Khaled was listening. He wanted to know how I was going to deal with it. The answer was yes. The answer was very clear but I didn't want to hurt Khaled's feelings. I had to find a way around this. I had to find a way into it.

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