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It was a Sunday. O'Ryan had kept talking to me about telling Khaled about having a threeway relationship. I needed time. I didn't know for sure if this was really a good idea or not. O'Ryan and Khaled walked in from outside. They had been playing ball. I had to admit there was something about them walking in at the same time sweaty as hell that really turned me on.

Khaled walked into the kitchen first and squeezed my ass.

"What you cooking baby?"

"Don't worry about it. Just go shower. You stink."

"You like that shit."

He came up behind me and started to dry hump me as I cooked. It was definitely a very Khaled thing to do. I watched in the corner of my eye O'Ryan. He was just staring almost waiting for him to get his turn.

Don't get me wrong. Things were going good between the three of us. Whatever was going on with us seemed to be working. I was happier than I had ever been.

O'Ryan came over to me after Khaled did.

"I can get used to this," he whispered.

Khaled was in the living room at this moment.

O'Ryan didn't dry hump me or anything like that. He kissed me on the back of my neck gently and smiled warmly. They were OPPOSITES.

"Used to what? Me cooking?"

"No just coming home to you all the time," O'Ryan replied.

There was this awkwardness. Maybe it was because he had just made my heart skip a beat a little bit. I walked into the living room. Khaled hadn't showered of course. He had turned the channel in the living room to put on sports channel.

"I was watching that," I told Khaled.

"Baby you was cooking. I'm loving them shorts though. That ass look fat. I'm about to take you in the room right now."

I knew Khaled wasn't joking. He wanted to fuck. We hadn't fucked in a while now. Things were getting better between all of us individually but when all three of us were around it still seemed so awkward.

"What were you watching?" O'Ryan stated.

I looked over at him.

I was ready to give up. Khaled usually got his way around the house. He was the "Man" in the relationship and I usually just backed down when it came to things like that. O'Ryan was different though. I watched how he took the remote.

"Whoa, what the fuck you doing? My game was bout to come on?" Khaled stated.

"He was watching something," O'Ryan replied.

I hesitated to even say what I was watching but O'Ryan just hit the last button walked over and handed me the remote. It was awkward moments like this when shit seemed just weird. Khaled shot him over a look.

I had to break the ice at that moment.

"So who won in basketball?" I asked.

"I did," Khaled stated almost immediately, "I waxed his ass on the court."

O'Ryan rolled his eyes, "He cheated."

The two laughed and continued to talk about the game back and forth. They spent more time around one another. A part of me wanted to be in with the new boys club or something. I had to admit. I had a small bit of jealousy. I watched how O'Ryan walked over and punched Khaled in the arm. I watched how Khaled laughed. There was a bond there that I didn't have. It wasn't the same kind of thing with me and Khaled where I was Khaled's prized possession or even the height of romance that me and O'Ryan had.

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