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Khaled hit O'Ryan. He hit him dead in the face at that moment. He hit O'Ryan so hard that O'Ryan took a few steps back.

"Khaled what the fuck!" I screamed out.

The two began to brawl right there in the middle of the floor. At first I was scared for O'Ryan. I found myself on top of Khaled trying to pull him off of O'Ryan.

Khaled's punches were landing all over O'Ryan. He was aiming at O'Ryan's face.

I failed to get him off however but O'Ryan managed to get Khaled off at that moment. O'Ryan was stronger than I thought. He had Khaled all the way on the other side of the room now. He had him up against the wall and he was giving it to him. His punches were hard. They were really going at it.

Khaled managed to get through to him and started choking O'Ryan.

Shit was getting serious.


My screams were blunted out by grunts and our furniture being tossed around the small house. I just knew that one of the faggots downstairs would end up calling the cops if this shit didn't stop.

Maybe that is why I threw myself in between them.

That was when I got a punch straight to the face.

I fell on the floor.


"Look what the fuck you did?" O'Ryan stated at that moment.

He got between us. He stood there holding his hands up away from Khaled. It was clear that Khaled was the on who had hit me by how O'Ryan was reacting.

Khaled bent down at that moment. He was showing just as much concern as O'Ryan was showing. It was kind of confusing to me to have both these men giving me this attention in the house. I was confused. I didn't know how to react to this.

"Jimmy, I didn't mean it..."

Khaled seemed sincere. I could feel my head shaking. I was embarrassed. I was confused. Worst of all above all of this shit, I was in pain. My jaw hurt like a bitch.

"See this is what I was telling you about," O'Ryan stated, "You act before you think. You supposedly grew up and changed so much but you want to throw hands the first opportunity you get. Your fucking immature Khaled."

"I brought you in my house...and you are ruining my fucking relationship. GET the FUCK OUT."

"He didn't ruin our relationship."

Both the men looked over at me. It hurt to talk. I was the one who had said it. They looked at me as though wanting me to say more. Khaled looked confuse.d


"He didn't ruin our relationship," I replied, "Our shit was on the ledge. Khaled you know that. We aren't together right now because of it. You spend all day with your homeboys. You want to party. You want to be young."

Khaled shook his head, "You don't like to do anything."

He always point the finger. That was his thing.

He always just pointed the finger.

"Listen to what he's telling you," O'Ryan told Khaled, "You don't even listen. You point the finger and play the blame game."

"Who asked you. What the fuck are you some sort of relationship expert?" Khaled asked, "No one cares what you have to say."

I crossed my arms.

"I do. You invited him into this house, remember. Not me. You."
"I didn't know it would be like this."

"You thought we would have a threesome and I'd just leave," O'Ryan stated shaking his head, "Didn't you?"

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