| f i f t e e n ; truths unfold |

302 7 46

¡! I do not like putting notes in my books, but a lot of the people who read don't follow, and that's fine, but I just wanted to update my readers. Sorry I haven't been publishing any chapters, I'm like three weeks into school and it's already a lot. Anyway, here's a fresh new chapter! Enjoy! ¡!

w h a t - h e - h a d - d o n e - t o - protect -
h i m - h a d - o n l y - hurt - h i m - m o r e. -
B u t - i f - h e - h a d - t o - g o - back - a n d -
c h a n g e - anything, - h e - wouldn't. •

| Bill x Henry |

Henry had found Bill sitting by the quarry, he was sure Eddie had checked here, but it seemed like Bill was avoiding this place.

He found his way beside him and took a seat, placing his hand on Bill's shoulder. "You still love him, don't you?" Bill nodded slowly, his eyes puffy and red from all the crying, broken and hopelessly in love with someone who'd never love him back.

Henry didn't understand it, "Why do you love him Bill?" Bill turned to him in surprise to have heard Henry ask such a complicated yet, simple answer.

"I mean you've only ever spoke highly of Richie since we've started talking. You speak about him as if he's love itself. As if put the stars in the sky. When all he's done, all I've witnessed, is break your heart more and more each time that he's in your life. I mean the cracks in your heart are practically visible through your eyes." Henry shook his head, he had heard nothing but good things about Richie. Yet that's the least he's seen.

Bill was his friend, he didn't know richie like he did, but he knew he didn't like Bill being played with. Sure it wasn't his place to call Richie an asshole, considering his past, but an asshole was an asshole, no matter who could see it or not.

Bill let out a tired laugh and turned to Henry, his lips carried a warm smile while his eyes grew watery. "He is love itself. He could smile and that would put enough stars in my sky. He could bruise my heart until it bleeds and I would still love him."

Henry shook his head, "That isn't love, Bill. You said it yourself."

"I said it, but I didn't mean it. I know our love is complicated, h-hell you might even say toxic." Henry nodded and turned to Bill. "But you don't know Richie the way I do. Something's going on with him, I know it."

"You know it? Or do you want to believe it? Bill.. you need to move on. No one deserves a half love." Just then Eddie made a noise that interrupted them. Henry knew he was the right person to be here for Bill, not him.

He didn't know the first thing about Richie, let alone love. So, he stood up and decided to wait back at his house with the others.

| Eddie x Bill |

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