Kiss then Forever?

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Hey everybody, I'm back after soooooo long. i have not forgotten this story. If I didn't say this then I will now. Gajeel and Levy are my favorite fairy tail couple. I have so many pics of them on my phone. I'm always embarassed when someone looks at them. I guess I'm one of those people that rather be caught having photos of things your parents don't approve of than my favorite shipments.  Are any of you like that? Hey I'm also a Nalu fan too. Sorry Nali I just don't see it.... Hiro-san just gives too many hints that Nalu will end up together. But that doesn't mean you give up Nali so keep believing!!! If you guys have any questions feel free to ask. :)

He gritted his teeth togther. His hands were clenched with his nails biting into his skin. Gajeel ignored the pain because his mind was on other things. Salamander and the ice stripper were fighting again. Idiots.He would've probably joined in to if he didn't have better things to do. 

If the thing had blue silkly hair and....


Since they came back from the stupid S-class exams he couldn't stop thinking of the shrimp. She was just so adorable. He always caught himself staring at her. The pout that she gave when teased, it made him look at her plump pink lips. Which then make him lick his own. Or how vibrant her eyes became everytime she  read a book. He, for one didn't read to save his life. In fact he didn't  come near a book. If he was looking for a story all he had to do was look at her eyes. 

Different emotions would flicker through those breathtaking eyes. Her innocent, bright eyes were his story. They didn't have to be looking at him to take his breath away,. 


He had it bad. He shouldn't be such a pansy and just confess.Of course that night would always stop him. In his dreams he always went as far as killing her. Her once vibrant eyes would become lifeless and her body limp hanging on the tree.

He gritted his teeth once more and growled. He will never be able to forgive himself for what he did to her. She doesn't deserve someone like him, she deserves someone who will protect her. Who cherishes her. His heart clenched at the thought of someone loving her.

Wait.... love? Holy shit. He loved her. He was no is in love with Levy Mcgarden. He looked at her from across the guild hall. She was laughing at something that the bunny girl was saying. He didn't really listen in on their conversations they were always about books or very girly stuff that was too girly.

"..... I'm just too scared Lu-chan."

Gajeel's ears perked. What could his shrimp be scared about. His instincts told him to bring her in his arms and soothe her.

" Mirajane is right though Levy, you should just tell him how you feel. You never really know unless you try. Besides," bunny girl leaned in and whispered something in her ear. He saw shrimp"s cheeks turn redder than Titania's hair. 

"Lu-chan! Stop teasing me!" Bunny girl giggled as Shrimp pouted. Then she too then started giggling.

Gajeel didn't hear the rest of their conversation. He felt coldness n his veins. He wasn't moving at all. 

Shrimp had feelings for someone.

Someone who isn't him.

'What is this feeling?'

He never experienced something like this before. In Phantom Lord, he was feared by almost everyone in the guild. He was untouchable, if anyone came in the way of Gajeel Redfox they felt his wrath. He was known in the past for leaving people almost dying like.....





Script to Iron [GaLe\GaJevy Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now