Anything Goes

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So though I'm not great romancer
know that I'm bound to answer when you propose
Anything Goes
Levy was exhausted. She hasn't complained yet, but she is close to it. At any given moment her legs could give out on her and she probably won't be able to walk for a week. She won't complain. Despite the aches she feels all over her body, her throat hurts from the overuse, and she wants to sleep forever. Supposedly this is punishment and she'll have to suck it up. All of the hours put into it, all the energy, the smiles....her face hurts just thinking about it. She takes a swig of water from her bottle next to her bag. She watches as her friends talk amongst themselves during the little break they have.
"Am I the only one who feels like death?" Her friend Lucy collapses in the seat next to her. Levy offers her the bottle and Lucy smiles gratefully.
"Same. At least though everyone is trying their best, we only have two weeks left." Levy sighs.
At that, she feels Lucy fidget beside her. She isn't the only one. Everyone in the theater is nervous. Even though everyone was blackmailed into this, past the groaning and complaining, everyone enjoyed what they were doing.
" Oi you two!" Break time is over! Short stuff get ready for 'Buddy Beware'!" Porlyuscia barked at them.
They both groaned in unison. Lucy got up first stretching her aching limbs. She offers her to Levy repeating the limb process.
"Ne Lucy."
" Yea?"Lucy answers.
Levy pats her shoulder supportingly." You are going to be great."
Lucy laughs sheepishly." Hopefully, if Natsu could just get that one dance right." She mutters.
Levy giggles.
" If only men weren't born with two left feet."Lucy smiles.
"Oi you two!"
They stiffen at the choreographer's voice.
The applause subsided from her cast members. She hurried as quick as she could off stage and sat on the couch back stage. They were almost done for the night, then she could go home. All that was left was the wedding scene. Her eyes drifted to a close, she could sleep until it was done.
They didn't need her right now...
Levy stirred a bit but didn't move.
"Hmm?" Levy replied sleepily.
The person kneeled down in front of her. He gently shook her shoulders that made her open her eyes. She rubbed some of the tiredness from them and yawned. She doesn't know how adorable she looks, he thought. He offered her hand which she took. She rose from the chair running a hand through her hair tiredly.
"Did everyone leave already?" She looked around finding it vacant except for the props and them.
"Almost, Bunny girl and Shithead are still her." Gajeel muttered shoving his hands into his pockets.
She laughed softly at the new name he gave Matsu. He came up with a new one every week.
"Mm, well Lucy is my ride home, so that's good she hasn't left." They walked in silence out of the theater and into the parking lot, where they found Lucy and Matsu. Seems to Levy they were arguing. As the two got closer they started hearing pieces of it.
"..... deciding thing for people!"
Natsu growled."You promised we would go on a date this week. We haven't had a chance because of this damn musical. That's why we should go now!"
Lucy groaned at his childishness.
"Natsu, you act like its the end of the world! I'm tired, my feet hurt like a bitch,I want to take a bath then go to to fuckin' bed! There is till Hi levy ... Gajeel..." Lucy's cheeks ignited.
Levy opened then closed her mouth. She felt embarrassed for butting in. Now it felt awkward with the silence carrying on.
"I'll take the shrimp home." Gajeel grabbed Levy's hand and tugged her the other direction. Ignoring her squeaks of surprise and Bunny Girl's protests.
Natsu and Lucy were soon forgotten when all Levy could think of was how her feet were aching and how warm his hand felt. She wasn't surprised when he stopped in front of a motorcycle. It was a good thing she didn't bring her stuuf with her otherwise she wouldn't be able to ride that thing.
She watched as he climbed on it and how it fit his persona well. He turned to her and offered the helmet. She timidly took it and gently placed it over her head. Usually when a guy offers a girl his helmet, it fits the girl just right. With Levy, the helmet went past her chin. She had to tie the strap securely. She heard him chuckle which earned him a glare. She struggled a bit but managed to sit upright behind him.
"Hang on shrimp." She wrapped her arms around his torso as started the engine. She felt his hand linger for a moment on her hands. Her cheeks flamed, her arms tightened around him.
Hopefully when they were done with this musical she will tell him. For right now she will just enjoy this moment.
I'mback!! Didanyofyoumissme? WellIhopeyouguysaren'ttoomadwithmenotupdatinginsolong. IfyouguysarewonderingthemusicalisAnythingGoes, myschoolisdoingitthisyear. SoIdecidedtouseitatadforthischapterletmeknowwhatyouguysthink!

P.S.IalsohaveaTumblrifyouguyswanttomessagemeaboutanything. Mypennameis 'demonspawness'. Don'tbeshyIwillanswer!!

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