The Accident (Alice's POV)

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I never thought I would be happy. I haven't been the same since the accident that took my parents away from me. 'We were going out tonight because my dad got a promotion at his job. They didn't tell me where we were going. I kept asking where we were going and if we were almost there. Then my dad turned around to answer one of the most stupid questions I had. Next thing I know is I'm in the hospital and the doctors are telling me that I was in an accident and that my parents didn't make it. They also told me that a caseworker would be here to talk to me about where I was going and about the accident.' If I would have just let my parents keep where we are going a secret. If I didn't ask so many questions we wouldn't have been in that accident. If they were here I wouldn't be jumping from foster home to foster home. Well it's not their fault that I'm jumping from foster home to foster home. That is definitely my fault. I didn't like any of the foster parents that I was placed with. They were rude. Every time that I am removed from a placement my caseworker comes to take me away and we go to her office and she tries to find a new placement that will take me in. My caseworker is mad because this is like my 14th placement in the last 2 months, I'm not going to stay in a place that I don't like. At this point I have been all over the state and still don't like it. My caseworker told me that she might have just found me a really good placement. We get there and a woman opens the door. My caseworker introduces me. The lady introduces herself and her husband and daughter. Her name was Martha and her husband was David. Their daughter was Lexi. I knew Lexi before today because me and her used to go to school together but then I was placed into foster care and I would jump all over the area and would have to switch schools. Martha showed me where my room was but when she left so I could unpack I only unpacked a couple of outfits to make it through a couple of days. I wasn't unpacking all of my stuff since I probably wasn't going to be here long. I've never been in a placement for longer than a week. I was just going to have to pack everything up and leave very soon. A couple of minutes later Martha came back to tell me that dinner was done and that afterwards I needed to get ready for bed because I have school in the morning and I needed a good-night's rest. I didn't want to go to school but I knew I was going to be forced to go. So I brushed my teeth and got ready for bed but before I fell asleep I got out my journal and wrote how my day went, then went to bed.

A.N: Sorry I've been gone for so long. Trying to get back into things. A lot has happened since my last update. I promise I will update more. I just have to get my footing.

Thanks <3 


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