Chapter 1

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"Hurry up Sophia! We don't have all day" My best friend Julian yelled at me from the entrance of my room.

Me being the huge procrastinator that I was; I was still in the middle of choosing my clothes to wear to the mall. Julian insist on dragging me to a party his boyfriend invited him to at his house. Don't get me wrong I love parties but today I was just not up for it. He on the other hand was over the moon because he was going to meet his boyfriends parents for the first time. Which meant, in his eyes, that it was official.

"I don't even know why you want me to come. It's not even your boyfriends birthday, it's his older brothers birthday" I complained from inside my closet. I was still rummaging through my clothes. Living in Florida meant that you would never be prepared for what kind of weather we would have. One day it could be sunshine and thirty seconds later it was pouring cats and dogs. Today for example it looked like it was going to be a sunny day but you never know so it's better to prepare. Finally settling on black shorts and a floral fitted top I grabbed the clothes and proceeded to exit my closet to change in my room.

"I know but I need you for moral support since I'm meeting his family for the first time. Plus I heard his brother is super hot, so you know we could probably end up dating brothers." He was excited about this too. I simply laughed and walked to my bed to put my shoes on. I slipped on my black wedges and stood up.

"I doubt it. If he's so hot he won't even look at me twice. Are you even sure he's straight?' I questioned while tying my hair up in a pony tail. It was too hot and humid outside to wear my hair down.

"He's straight alright. Or at least that's what I think. If he's not straight he's at least bi. Daniel told me that he broke up with his girlfriend of two years a while ago." My best friend stood by my door tapping his foot impatiently. He's so impatient I swear! The party isn't until eight o'clock tonight and it was still twelve in the afternoon; which meant we still had enough time to shop and get ready. I grabbed my purse and walked towards him.

"Alright let's go. We'll see tonight how it goes. In the mean time I won't even get my hopes up" I grabbed his hand and pulled him downstairs towards the garage.

"Honey are you going out?" My mother questioned as she walked out of the kitchen towards us.

"Yes mom, we're going to the mall to shop for something to wear tonight." I explained to her while still pulling Julian towards the garage.

"Okay see you later than sweetie. You kids have fun" She exclaimed while walking towards the living room.

My mom was a sweet woman. A stay at home mom my whole life. She adores me to pieces so when she became pregnant with me at the age of 27 she decided to leave her career and her dreams to raise me. She never really went back to work because my dad insisted that there was no need for her to work. He's a well known lawyer which means he earned more than enough money for us to have a good life without her having to work.

She never had more kids after me because shortly after I was born she developed fibroids resulting in a total hystorectomy. She claims that it never bothered her because I have always been enough for her and had she wanted more kids she could've simply adopted.

We jumped in my car and I drove us to the mall. The whole drive Julian was completely silent. He must really be nervous about meeting Daniel's parents. I'm sure he just wants to make a good first impression. Who could hate Julian though he's a sweetheart; or maybe I'm being biased. I was thankful for the silence though because it gave me time to think about a few things. Lately things haven't been the same at the house. My parents interactions seemed kind of forced. There seems to be a lot of tension between them.

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