Chapter 9

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When I woke up the next morning Sebastian's side of the bed was empty and cold, so he must have left a while ago. I guess it was a good thing, I need time on my own to think about the events of last night.

Fifteen minutes later I was freshly showered rummaging through my clothes for something to wear. I decided on black shorts and a floral tank top, with my black flats. I wasn't getting out of this house so there was no point in dressing up. I was dreading coming downstairs to face Sebastian though. I'm sure he's going to want to talk about the status of our relationship and I'm not sure if I'm ready for it. I think I'm ready but I'm nervous that he's going to say that nothing is going to change.

I walked out of my room and I heard voices coming from downstairs. Of course being the nosy person I was I decided to sneak downstairs and listen in. That was the only way for me to find stuff out around here because these officers won't tell me anything regarding the case. Only that everything is going according to plan, whatever that means. The voices were coming from the kitchen and from what I could make out of them, it sounded a lot like Sebastian and officer Thomas.

I leaned my back against the wall right beside the kitchen entrance and started listening to their conversation.

"Seb, I'm telling you man, there's no way it was a random break in. I told chief that it was one of Leo's men. It's too much of a coincidence." I heard officer Thomas exasperate.

"How did they get in undetected it's a gated community? Do they have surveillance of the person that broke in?" This time Sebastian spoke.

"The surveillance cameras hadn't been working for two days because the power went out in the house. They were suppose to have a company come in and perform a maintance routine on the main circuit breakers to see what was going on. The guy that rummaged the house was dressed in the electrical companies uniform and was driving a vehicle with their logo, and the guard was informed that they were coming so he let him in." Officer Thomas continued.

"Who knew about this maintance routine? And if they guy works for the electrical company maybe it's just a crook they hired without knowing he steals." Came Sebastian's reponse.

"He doesn't work for them, the guard took his name and gave the officers a discription, they took the information to the company to try to identify him but no one there knew him. The car he was in wasn't registered to the company either but he somehow got his hands on the uniform and the logo for the car. Plus the electrical company informed one of the officers that the appointment for the maintance routine was schedule for the day after. So they couldn't have sent someone before. This is too much of a coincidence I'm telling you and it's too elaborate a plan to be a simple break in, Leonardo Mancini is behind all of this." Officer Thomas exasperated.

"So what's being done about all this? Did he take something of importance? Does anyone know if they were looking for something specific?" Sebastian tone was beginning to sound agitated.

"They're investigating who the hell the guy is and his motives for breaking in were. Nothing of importance is missing because everything that is valuable or has important or personal information was removed from the house." This time officer Thomas spoke.

I could hear someone pacing back and forth, and I was assuming it was Sebastian. He tended to pace when he was frustrated or when he was thinking hard about how to solve something. I think right now it's a mixture of both. I couldn't help but think that my family's house were the one they were talking about. Someone probably tried to break in the house to find information about where we currently were. I was honestly sick and tired of this whole situation, I want everything to go back to normal. I want to be able to see my family and my friends, to go back to work.

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