Chapter 10

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The next morning, after breakfast, Sebastian went to work out while I read a book. I wasn't too thrilled about working out today. In fact I didn't feel like doing anything. I wasn't feeling like myself, and I didn't know why.

Maybe it was due to the talk we had with officer Thomas yesterday. The news about the break in was making me feel this way most likely. I didn't want to think too much into it but I couldn't help it. There was a feeling in the pit of my stomach that was making me uneasy. I really hope nothing bad happens to my parents because I would literally die.

About an hour later Sebastian walked in the room looking sweaty but sexy as hell.

"Are you okay sweet? Why are you still in bed?" He questioned while making his way to where I was laying and placing a soft kiss on my lips.

"I'm reading my book and laying down is the most comfortable way for reading." I said matter-of-factly.

He rolled his eyes playfully and walked into the bathroom probably to take a shower.

I waited about five minutes and than I stripped out of my clothes and went into the bathroom.

The shower door was foggy but I could see Sebastian's silhouette. His arms were stretched foward on the wall in front of him while the water was running down his body. I probably looked like a stalker just staring at him but I couldn't help but admire how devastingly beautiful he was.

I slowly walked forward and opened the door. He was way too relaxed and focused on his thoughts because he didn't turn when I stepped in the shower.

I lifted my arms ready to wrap them around him when he spun around quick and pinned me to the opposite wall. He locked my legs with one of his and my arms with one hand while the other one was on my neck, not really squeezing just holding firm. My mouth was opened and my eyes widened.

"Jesus sweet! Don't do that! I could've really hurt you." He let me go and walked back under the water while rubbing his face.

"Do you realize someone that trying to hurt isn't going to walk in the shower with you. They would just shoot you through the glass." He opened his eyes and didn't look too happy. Oops maybe it was the wrong thing to say.

"I know but at this point it's an instinct. I trained for these kinds of situations, when I feel like I'm in trouble I go into defense mode without thinking about it sweet." He pulled me into his arms under the water and smoothed my hair back.

"I'm sorry for scaring you, I was trying to be spontaneous." I pulled his head down and kissed him with all the pent up lust I was feeling right now, looking at him naked.

He responded immediately and lifted me up so I could wrap my legs around him.

A twenty minute shower turned to an hour long shower.


It's been a month since our talk with officer Thomas and the uneasy feeling wasn't letting up. I found myself getting anxious about what could happen to my parents on a daily basis. It's okay to worry I guess. Tonight Sebastian had to do patrol duties and I just couldn't fall asleep without him.

It was around three in the morning when I finally succumbed to sleep. I hadn't been asleep long when a loud crash woke me up. I blinked rapidly trying to focus my vision. A few seconds later there was a loud sound, kind of like a door being slammed, downstairs and heavy footsteps running around. At first I thought it could be Sebastian but why would he be slamming doors and throwing objects downstairs at this time. Officer Smith was suppose to be in Sebastians old room.

Maybe Officer Smith was having a fight with officer Cook downstairs and they were throwing things around. Curiousity got the better of me so I grabbed my satin robe to cover myself up, considering I was in my shorts and cami satin pajamas. I slowly stepped outside my room and peeked around the corner of the wall beside the stairs. At first I couldn't see anything but then out of the corner of my eye I saw a man wearing a ski mask run across the foyer towards where the library was. I was stunned silent and my blood immediately ran cold. I noticed a foot sticking out of one of the columns at the bottom of the stairs and recognized it as officer Smith's boot. I coverd my mouth with my hand and bit the palm of my hand to keep myself from screaming. I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment with my back flat against the wall before my fight or flight instincts kicked in. I ran to my room and grabbed the duffel emergency bag Sebastian had made for us both that was under the bed. I remembered about Sebastian and prayed to God that he was okay. I didn't have time to dwell on where he could be only about getting out of her and getting help. Opening the window I stepped out on the balcony and swung the duffel bag across my shoulder, on my back. Climbing on to the railing I grabbed the rain gutter that went all the way to the ground hoping to God that it was securely nailed to the wall. Once I had a hold on it I wrapped my other hand around and the both of my feet and began to climb down. Only God knew how I managed to climb down without falling but I was thankful I made all the way to the bottom with no injuries. It was probably the adrenaline pumping through my system and the fear clawing at my inside that fueled my survival instincts. Once I was safely on the ground I walked along the wall facing the pool with my back flat on it.

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