Chapter 4

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  I quickly opened the door and walked inside leaving him standing there in the hallway. Once safely inside my room I released the air I didn't realize I was holding. Damn it! He knows and he probably thought I was a nosy as hell. This time though I simply hid not wanting to be seen by them and get caught up in their fight, especially after seeing officer Cook's murderous look. It's not like I went downstairs in hopes of listening in on them, I was simply looking for food. 

It's not my fault they couldn't have their conversations in private like normal couples. What the hell was she doing in this house anyway? She's suppose to be in the guest house or out by the gate guarding the gate and the property. I repeatedly told myself that it wasn't jealousy brewing in my system but who was I kidding, I was attracted to Sebastian and it had been more fun when I didn't know he was taken. Well he's not necessarily committed to her but he's fooling around with her and she's obviously smitten with him. 

I placed my bowl on my nightstand and went to flick the lock on my door, that's enough embarrassment for the night. I didn't need Sebastian to barge in here and embarrass me some more, though I don't think a lock would keep him from barging in. 

I got on my bed and grabbed my fruit to eat it. Once finished with my fruit I placed the bowl back on the nightstand and got up to brush my teeth so I could get ready to sleep. Having no phone and no computer I had absolutely nothing to do. I was never one to watch TV, there was nothing on there that interested me. After I finished brushing my teeth I went to lay back of my bed, today was mentally exhausting so as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.  

It wasn't the bright sun rays, coming in through the huge windows that over looked the ocean, that woke me; or the distant sound of the seagulls' caws. It was the insistent knocking coming from across the hallway. I groggily got off the bed and headed to my bathroom to shower and freshen up. There was no need for me to try to go back to sleep, the person was dead set on waking up everyone and their mother. 

After my shower I walked into the closet I had put all my clothes in and looked for something to wear. I decided to wear black cargo pants and a black lace crop top with my red heels. I wasn't going anywhere special because I couldn't leave the house but today I felt like dressing up. I suddenly realized that it was going to get boring here fast because I wasn't going to be able to leave the house. I better start looking for things to do, like excercising or reading.

I walked towards my door and noticed that the knocking had stopped. I was curious to know who had been knocking incessently on Sebastians door. Opening the door slightly I peeked outside but there was no one there. Weird. Maybe Sebastian sent them away. I walked out of my room and down the stairs toward the kitchen to make breakfast.

Once inside the kitchen I looked for eggs and pancake mix. I was really craving pancakes right now. I found all the ingredients in the cabinets and began making my breakfast. I was humming my favorite song at the moment and swaying my hips to the tune.

I was so into my song that I didnt even notice someone walking in the kitchen, until I felt a pair of hands on my hips. I turned around quickly and almost hit the person with the spatula I was using to flip the pancakes.

My heart immediately stopped and my body froze when I saw Sebastian standing there with his hands still on my hips and a smirk on his lips. This man had no idea what his touch was doing to me. I felt like leaning my whole body into him and kissing his plump lips senseless. Before my body could betray me, I moved out of his reach and went to flip my last pancakes.

"You scared me." I smiled slightly, trying to play off the fact that I had been more turned on than scared.

"I'm sorry, I did call your name but you were to busy dancing to imaginary music." The smirk was still playing at his lips. "Do you need help making breakfast?"

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