Chapter 7

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Last night after our walk Sebastian and I showered, separately, and laid on my bed until we succumbed to sleep. He was a gentleman like he said he was going to be but it was I who had a hard time sticking to my side of the bed. He laid on the left side of the bed without moving an inch all night and I kept tossing and turning forcing myself not to snuggle up to him. What can I say? I love to cuddle.

It was Sebastian's deep baritone voice that woke me this morning. He was standing by the window talking on the phone looking freshly showered.

"I understand sir, I just think it would be easier if she knew." Those words coming out of his mouth immediately piked my interest.

Was he talking about me? Did something happen to my parents? My heart pummeled to my stomach thinking of all the possible things that he could be talking about. Sebastian said a couple more words that I couldn't quite hear and hung up the phone. He turned towards me and gave me a wide smile.

"Good morning sleepy head. Did you sleep good?" The smile was still on his face as he walked towards me and I didn't know what to make of the situation.

"Good morning, and yes I did, no nightmares." I informed him. "Is something wrong Sebastian?"

"Nothing's wrong, my chief was just informing me of some stuff that he thought I should discuss with my colleagues." Seeing as the smile on his face didn't falter I took his word as truth. Surely he wouldn't be this happy if something was really wrong.

I understood that there was certain things about his job that he couldn't discuss with me, so I just let it go. I got off the bed and walked into my bathroom to freshen up. When I walked out Sebastian was sitting on the side of the bed looking kind of worried, which immediately made me worry.

"What's wrong?" I questioned while sitting next to him.

He turned his body towards me before speaking.

"Nothing it's just... are you mad at me? I don't want you to be mad I really can't discuss this issue with you. It really has nothing to do with you or your family, I promise." Seeing him this worried and knowing he cares whether I'm mad at him or not, was almost too cute to handle. I almost laughed at him, but I didn't instead I grabbed his hands.

"Of course I'm not mad at you. Why would you think that?" I gave him a reassuring smile.

"I don't know I just thought you would be mad that I didn't want to tell you more about my call." He raised his eyes to look into mine and I was starting to get nervous.

"I understand there's things about your job that you can't discuss with me no matter how good of friends we are. Now come on let's go have breakfast before you go talk to the others." I pecked him on the cheek quickly and stood up to walk out of the door. He caught up to me eventually and we soon got started on breakfast.

After breakfast Sebastian left to talk with his colleagues and I stayed in my room reading my book. He came back around lunch time and we had simple sandwiches for lunch.

When we were done with lunch we opted for working out for about an hour and then we took another walk around the property. The day was never boring with Sebastian around, we always found something to do and even if we didn't do anything it never got boring or awkward.

He suggested a chicken caesar salad for dinner and we ate it in the living room while watching TV. He let me choose the movie and I chose Bridge To Terabithia because it was one of my favorite movies as a kid. We watched the movie in silence and I fell asleep half way into the movie.

I woke up with a jolt because I was having another nightmare, this time about my parents. I looked around the living room and noticed that Sebastian wasn't here with me anymore. He probably went to the bathroom.

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