Chapter 2

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Even though the rays of the sun were shining bright on my face through my window, I was not ready to get up. I layed in my bed contemplating what happened last night. Even though I had one too many drinks I wasn't feeling too hungover. That was the least of my worries though. My mind was on the man I met last night, Sebastian. His arresting beauty left me completely stupified it was so embarrasing. I just wish I never have to see him again so dont have to embarass myself like that.

I'd like to think that it was the alcohol making me act like that but I would only know for sure if I ever saw him again, sober. I climbed out of bed and walked to my bathroom to shower and freshen up. When I walked out of my bathroom I heard my phone ring from the bedside table. I decided to change before checking my messages. Grabbing a pair of jean shorts and a tank top to wear I quickly changed. I didn't see the point in dressing up because I wasn't going anywhere today. Today I felt like having a lazy day in the house. I haven't had one of those in quite a while. With work and keeping a healty social life my day to day could be very tiring. Having a best friend like Julian certainly didn't help either, he's always trying to go out and paint the town red.

I grabbed my blinking phone and saw that I had a message from my mom.

MOM- Honey come downstairs to your father's office when you're ready please. He says it's important.

ME- I'll be right down.

I wrote her back and put my sandals on the walk downstairs. It was unusual for my father to summon us into his office. In my teenage years if he ever did it usually meant I was in trouble. Hopefully I'm not in trouble this time; though I'm too old to be getting in trouble. I really need to get my own place because living with my parents is not as fun as it use too be when I was younger. Now that I graduated from University and was working in my field, as a veterinarian's assistant I most certainly could afford my own place.

I walked into my dad's office and saw him sitting in his chair with a slightly worried face. I looked over at my mom on the settee and noticed that her eyes were red and puffy. I felt my heart drop to my stomach. This can't be good, there's defitnitely something wrong. I immediately went to my mom, sat down and grabbed her hands.

"Momma are you okay? Please tell me everything is okay." I couldn't help my voice being worried and wavering. My heart just kept hammering in my chest and they were both silent just looking more worried by the second. "Please Dad talk to me." I plead with my dad now since I wasn't getting anything out of my mom.

"Honey what we have to tell you is a very serious matter. I need you to promise me to stay and calm and cooperate with everything we're going to ask of you." My dad was only making my worry worse. He wasn't being clear and forward and I needed him to just tell me what was going on. "I recently worked in a case to help put a cartel leader behind bars. Well I recieved an anonymous letter that stated that the cartel is out to get me. They stated in the letter that if they can't get me they will get the next thing closes to me, which is you honey. These people can be ruthless, they have no regard for innocent human lives. I need to keep you and your mom safe so I decided to leave and be away from you guys for a while to keep them away. I've already notified law inforcement about this and they are working to put them behind bars as well. They've assigned seven officers to act as your bodyguards. Four of them work for the MPD and one for the NYPD, the other two were in the Marine Corps but are now working for Interpol." He sighed and rubbed his face warily. "I have no doubts they will keep you safe with the help of the MPD." He assured my mother and I while he grabbed our hands and gave a gentle squeeze.

I leaned forward and hugged my father. "Don't worry daddy, I trust that nothing bad will happen to us. You do whatever you have to do and we'll be safe here." The last thing i wanted was for my dad to have to constantly be worried about us. I felt like I was three again hugging my dad while he told me everything was going to be alright after I fell off the swing set.

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