Chapter 3

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The question took me Completely off guard. What did have to do with anything right now? Was he interested to know if I was available? I mentally shook my head, of course he wasn't. I was curious to know what his question was about so I decided to bend the truth.

"Define committed. I wouldn't necessarily say I was committed. I'm attracted to someone though, we're still trying to see how it goes." There, that wasn't too far from the truth. Even though the person I was talking about was sitting two feet away from me, he didn't need to know that. I'm hoping he didn't know that I had been lusting after him like a hormonal teenager.

"Well if it's only a minimal crush it doesn't matter than, you'll get over it soon enough. You won't be seeing or talking to anyone for a while, including friends and family. Whatever you might want to know about your parents you can ask me or the other officers and they'll give them the message." He informed me nonchalantly.

If only he knew who my crush was. I laughed in my head and turned away towards the window with my arms crossed. I didn't really want to talk about my parents right now. It hadn't even been an hour yet and I was missing them already. Maybe it was the fact that I wasn't going to be able to see or directly talk to them in a while that was making me miss them even more. Crap! Julian! I hadn't even told my best friend that I was going to be MIA for a little bit. I suddenly felt a weight on my chest because I was going to be missing my best friends sorely and now he's going to be wondering where the hell I am.

"Do you think they will let me make a quick call to my best friend? I forgot to call him to tell him know what's going on, with packing and being worried about the situation it totally slipped my mind." I turned to ask him while biting my bottom lip and begging with my eyes. We were on a red light so he was looking straight at me.

"No you can't make any calls and more importantly you can't tell anyone what is going on." I saw him gulp as if he was nervous. Why would he be nervous though? "Plus if I'm not mistaken I think I heard your dad make calls to some of your friends while you were packing. I'm sure if Julian is your best friend he would have made a call to him too." He informed me while he looked away to keep his eyes on the road once the light turned green.

"Okay I guess that makes sense. I'm just worried that Julian will start freaking out when he can't a hold of me. But if my dad called him I guess he will be at ease knowing that I'm handling a family emergency. Though he is going to start wondering why I wasn't the one to call and let him know." I think I was talking more to myself than to him because he could give a rats ass what happens with my best friend.

He didn't comment to what I had just told him he just continued looking ahead and driving us to our destination. I quickly stole a glance at him and couldn't help but notice how extremely handsome he was, even when his eyebrows were furrowed in concentration as he drove. This man was a serious threat to my heart; I would be lying if I said that I wouldn't act on this crush, because the way I'm feeling right now I could just reach over an kiss his full lips. I could be possibly stuck in a house for months and months with him and three other officers and I honestly don't know if I'm going to make it out with my heart unscathed.

He doesn't strike me as a one woman man and I could be wrong, they do say to not judge a book by it's cover, but I wasn't willing to find out and risk getting my heart trampled in the way. It's not like he would look at me that way anyway, I'm just a job for him to complete and move on from. He must have a lot of jobs like this one in the field he works in. He probably thinks I'm a spoiled rich kid that needs to be babysat. I think he might even have something going on with officer Cook, by the way they were arguing by the bathroom at my house.

We rode in silence for about another thirty minutes until we made it to the rental house. The house wasn't as big as our house in Star Island but it could still be considered a mansion. There was a big guest house to the left of the main house. The main house though looked to be a new construction because it was very modern outside. As soon as the gate opened fully Sebastian around the driveway and stopped in front of the main doors. Before we could even get out of the car the white SUV pulled up behind us and all three officers stepped out. Officer Thomas walked up to us while the other two just lingered by the SUV.

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