1. Appetite

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The smell of fried chicken welcomed the hungry members as the managers came in and handed the plastic bag to Yoongi. As they settled on the shiny ground of the practice room, the six boys starting to share the takeout dinner between their plates, all whilst bickering and laughing amongst themselves.

It wasn't until a few minutes of smacking lips and rude chewing that Namjoon realised there was someone missing.

He turned away, everyone else all to engrossed in eating, to find the group's maknae sitting against the mirrored wall, drumming a beat with his fingers and staring off into space.


"Why aren't you eating?" Namjoon sighed, exasperatedly looking down at the mop of fresh red hair.

"Fried Chicken and diets don't mix, hyung," the younger chuckled almost remorsefully, looking down at his hands. He expected Namjoon to shrug it off and continue eating with the others.

But he didn't.

Jungkook turned his head to the side, finding his leader sitting next to him with his head leaning against the glass.

"There was nothing planned on our schedule this morning so we all slept in, except you. You left the dorm and came here," Namjoon said quietly, giving the younger a poke on the arm. "The rest of us had lunch, then came here. Did you have lunch?"

"I brought a snack," Jungkook defended. He didn't bring a snack.

"What, an apple? A muesli bar? After all that work, aren't you feeling drained?" Namjoon said unnaturally serious. "I won't let you skip dinner. You already skip breakfast everyday, as well as lunch on a quiet one. Next thing you know, we'll be rocking up to the ER because you've caused yourself malnutrition."

Jungkook remained silent.

"Well," Namjoon sighed. "If you're not eating, I'm not eating."

Jungkook felt himself shrink. "But you'll be hungry when we get back to the dorms," he tried. Dragging someone else into his problems was never something he wanted.

"Don't tell me you're not hungry," Namjoon snorted in response.

"How am I supposed to lose weight if I pig out on fried chicken every night," Jungkook frowned.

"Lose weight?" the older laughed. "You don't need to be losing weight, Jungkook," Namjoon said before pinching the boys stomach.

That was what everyone said. Every time Jungkook tried to make an effort into his appearance, into working towards a better, more lean image, someone always forced even more food on him. How was he supposed to lose all that baby fat if he kept getting stuffed to the seams at every meal?

Namjoon started whistling from where he was sitting. Like this was all funny to him.

"I'm starting to feel the lack of food in here," Namjoon winced as he pat his stomach. Jungkook knew this was the former's way of making him cave in.

"Please don't make me starve," the blonde pouted.

Namjoon knew him too well.

"You're cruel," Jungkook whined before pulling his superior to his feet and leading him to where the rest of the group were sitting in a small circle.

The two join the circle, seeing all the containers of sauce and the small boxes of chicken cleared and pushed aside. Namjoon scratched his head when he realised those little shits had already eaten everything. He picked up his chopsticks, wedging one of the last remaining pieces of chicken between them and dropping it onto Jungkook's plate. He repeated the action before serving more food for himself.

But then Jungkook looked down at both plates, seeing that he had two pieces and Namjoon had one.

"Eat up, Kookie," Namjoon smiled.


inspired by jimin's birthday surprise ages ago. i think.

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