7. Inevitable

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Jungkook sung the lyrics to their song, although the microphones were switched off. He looked out to the empty stands which were yet to be filled. With his head pounding to the beat of the music, he moved his body in sync with the other boys who were dancing along side him.

When the music finished and the dark hall turned silent, Jungkook almost dropped to the floor out of exhaustion. He hadn't slept enough the previous night, leaving him with low energy.

He had also been deprived of his painkillers as he had left them back at the dorm. It was only dry rehearsals and the throbbing was already getting to him.

They exited the stage in a single file line. When Jungkook passed a vending machine on the way to the waiting room, he quickly bought one of those powerful energy drinks.

Taking sips along the way, he quickened his pace to catch up with the rest of the group.

The waiting room was busy with people hurrying around with different jobs to do. With Namjoon practising in one corner and the others taking power naps, Jungkook wedged his earphones into his ears and began dancing, going through all the steps slowly, ensuring he had everything down.

Time dragged on, slowly and painfully nearing to when they had to return to the stage, this time to see screaming fans filling the stands waving their LED lights.

The energy drink that Jungkook had drained earlier had only helped so much, the pressure still pinching slighty at his temples.

As soon as all seven of them had their makeup and hair pitched to perfection, they gathered at the waiting site beside the stage.

"We practiced earlier, we all know what to do," Namjoon said over the cheering, "We can do this."

"Bang-bang tan!"

Jin nudged Jungkook: "Are you okay? You seem a little off."

"Yeah," Jungkook said loudly, bouncing on the balls of his feet, "I'm fine."

When they were signalled to go, the seven of them stepped up onto the sleek, black stage.

The screams made Jungkook's ears ring, which only made his headache intensify.

When the music finally started, Jungkook took center stage. He tried to dance the moves on point, but began to slack behind.

When they got to the point in the choreography that signalled them to change positions, Jungkook moved to the back, almost bumping into Yoongi as he rapped.

He almost stopped dancing completely, gripping onto his head.

When he came back to his senses, he realized that he was supposed to be singing. The music continued independently when no words left Jungkook's mouth.

He stumbled to the front, taking in the waves of glowing lights before he felt dizzy and numb all over, itching under his skin. Jungkook lost his balance and went crashing down to the hard surface of the stage, hitting his head on something hard and solid on his way down.

He felt someones presence next to him, prodding his shoulder as he wavered between being concious and unconscious. There was a ringing in his ears, blocking out any other sounds that tried to reach him.

His vision faltered as if someone had switched off the lights, letting him go as he plummeted into the darkness.





Just to let you know, I'm going to take a break for a week starting Friday. I'm going away this weekend anyway so...

I was supposed to say more but I totally forgot...

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