2. Let

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The music pounding from the speakers came to an end, leaving the two sweaty boys breathing hard. Jungkook walked over to the speakers and picked up his I-Pod.

"What next, hyung?" he asked Hoseok, who was still trying to catch his breath. The two of them had been dancing since lunch when they arrived at the practice rooms.

"Haven't we covered everything?" Hoseok asked, clearly surprised that the younger wanted to continue, despite the fact that they had been at it for half the day.

Jungkook hummed. He wasn't fulfilled yet, thumb scrolling down a playlist that seemed endless. "There are still some songs we could brush up on."

"Let's do one more song, okay?" Hoseok sighed. "We have performances tomorrow. Overworking yourself is your choice, but don't drag me into it."

"Overworking is better than making mistakes," Jungkook muttered.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," Hoseok rolled his eyes.

Jungkook couldn't help but wonder. He was always dragging other people into his problems. Again and again.

How immature.

"You know, hyung, you can sit out and rest for a bit or I don't know... go back to the dorm, or something."

"And leave you to actually overwork yourself?" Hoseok scoffed as he stretched the tension out of his arms. "Why the hell would I do that?"

"Well. Like you said, really," Jungkook shrugged at the floor. "I shouldn't force you if you don't want to."

Jungkook felt a hand rub his shoulder softly. Comfortingly.

"Forget I said anything," Hoseok smiled a little sadly. "Being with you here beats having to put up with Namjoon on kitchen duty."

Jungkook surprised himself with a laugh, one that filled his chest with warmth. It tore out of him with a loud echo in the room and he was suddenly so grateful for Hoseok, his hyung, for always sticking to his side. Even if Jungkook did still feel guilty as hell.

"Can I pick?" Hoseok asked then, gesturing to the iPod in Jungkook's hand.

Jungkook was only suspicious for a second before handing the iPod over to Hoseok. The latter's smile only widened, picking a song after not much thought. Then he was pulling the younger boy along with him in front of the mirrored wall.

"Let's freestyle," Hoseok said over the heavy, metal intro. Jungkook stared at him a little disbelievingly, to which Hoseok only shrugged. "It's been too long since we last had a go."

Hoseok's shoulders sagged when the younger remained awkward and unmoving. "Don't tell me you forgot how to freestyle?"

"I didn't forget," Jungkook scowled a little and folded his arms over his chest. "Is it a crime to enjoy following steps?"

"Not a crime, very understandable," Hoseok said over the music. "I just want you to loosen up a bit."

He began himself, Jungkook's scowl morphing into an amused grin as Hoseok circled around him. Hoseok was J-Hope, the member Jungkook was always self conscious to dance next to in formation on stage. J-Hope, the one who could execute every move perfectly whilst maintaining a modest attitude. J-Hope, Jungkook's teacher, his hyung, was prancing around him without a care in the world.

He popped his chest hard to beats that weren't there, thrummed the invisible strings of his air guitar, lifting his feet into the air and throwing his arms over his head. Jungkook let out another brutal laugh.

Hoseok sure knew how to play.

Let the music consume you.

Once Jungkook finally gave in, it was like he was freeing a litter of puppies from his chest. He was a sixteen year old and he was living. Hoseok cheered once Jungkook's awkwardness dissipated and he began smashing his imaginary drum kit.

It was either the look on Hoseok's face that cause him to laugh, or the look on his face that caused Hoseok to laugh. Either or, it caught on and the laughing didn't stop. Jungkook couldn't breathe but finally it was for a good reason. Because the excitement was filling the void in his chest so well that it was crushing his lungs.

Singing along to English was still and would always be hard, but Hoseok trying to imitate the raspy voice screaming through the speakers was another thing to laugh over in itself. The last note had the both of them throwing their heads back and screeching to the ceiling.

Jungkook's smile was so bright.

As the song came to an end, they were both panting and on their knees. The last chokes of laughter bursting through their lips. Except Hoseok was up and diving for the iPod before the next song could start playing.

"Happy now?" Hoseok still smiled to the younger. Sweat glistened on his forehead.

"Hobi..." Jungkook gasped out with a giggle. "Yeah, I... yeah."

He too much pride to give Hoseok a sincere thank you, because that would be the equivalent of saying I told you so. It was fine, though. He had a feeling that Hoseok already knew that, anyway.

"Didn't I hear you complaining before?"

To which Jungkook just rolled eyes.

He stood up slowly, because the pressure was back like it usually was at this time of day. Back in it's usual place in his head 一 but that was something for him to worry about later. He gulped down his water.

Jungkook didn't even have time to consider what else to practice before Hoseok was grabbing both their bags and dragging him out the door.

The cold air outside was refreshing.


inspired by jungkook and taehyung's bangtan bomb dancing to linkin park.

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