6. Time

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Jungkook's hand was aching from signing too many albums and posters. The prediction of fans attending the fanmeet event was blown of the charts as the screaming of 500 fans made his ears ring.

They departed Seoul by train a week ago with a planned tour around South Korea ahead of them. Stopping at Daejeon first, then comming down to Daegu for promotions.

Now here they were in Busan for their second showcase and a fanmeet thrown into the schedule.

The manager had been the one who told Jungkook that during their stay in Busan, there were no gaps in their schedules. The news had hit Jungkook, as well as Jimin, pretty hard. There was no time for them to visit their parents and family.

The news had dampened the moods of the group as a whole, their liveliness lessening slightly. Cheering fans yelling out support was all it took to lift their moods.

Jungkook smiled genuinely as two girls came up to him and asked for signatures, "Thankyou for your support. Fighting!"

The girls left to Jin's table giggling.

Jungkook prepared to greet the next lot of fans when the pair of girls walked straight past him. He knew that their fans wouldn't usually have the luxury of meeting all seven of them, but Jungkook was rarely the one that got skipped.

He sat there a little awkwardly untill he was met by a shorter girl who looked a little shy, unlike the hyped teenagers that would come up to him at the brink of tears.

"Hi Oppa," she sounded a little unsure, "You're a great singer and dancer. You're songs are great too. I even have your album."

The young girl revealed her copy of the album and placed it on the table.

"Thank you so much, you don't know how much I appreciate that," Jungkook said with a smile. "Can I sign anywhere or is there a special spot you want my autograph?"

"Anywhere. It's up to you. Whatever you think looks the prettiest," she said with a smile.

Jungkook settled with the top left area of the album cover, making his signature extra neat.

"Whats your name?"

"Mi Yun. When I become an idol like you, I want my stage name to be Mi Mi," Mi Yun said with a giggle.

Jungkook quickly wrote a small message underneath his signature addressing it to Mi Mi.

"How old are, Mi Mi?"

"I'm 7. I'm in elementary school. But I play the piano and sing, just like you. I'm even going to start dancing lessons!"

"Well, I wish you all my luck on your singing and dancing. I don't think we can stay here chatting forever, though. You best get a move on," Jungkook handed back the album, "It was lovely to meet you, I hope we meet again sometime."

"Me too," the girl laughed before heading off to collect more autographs.

Taehyung suddenly yanked him to the side, snapping a selca with a squealing girl.

Taehyung gave the smart phone back to the fan who stumbled away, eyes glued to her screen.

"What was that for?" Jungkook asked, rubbing his neck.

"She asked for a photo so I thought I'd make it more memorable," Taehyung pointed out as if it was obvious, "Duh."

As the crowd began to shrink and the line ups started to melt away, the 7 members were free to leave.

They piled into the van, Jungkook sitting in between the window and a sleepy Taehyung.

"There's a dry rehearsal tomorrow morning, so we'll be leaving the hotel at 8:00," the manager said from the front seat, "The showcase will be in the late afternoon, giving us time to pack and leave by tomorrow night."

They weren't even half way to their hotel when Jungkook became aware of the sobs comming from the backseat.


Used to the Jimin who was always smiling and prancing around with laughter, none of them were prepared on how to handle the situation.

Taehyung lifted his head from where it was resting on Jungkook's shoulder and looked into the backseat where Jimin was being cradled in Yoongi's arms. He turned back to see Jungkook staring blindly at the seat infront of him.

"Don't be sad," Taehyung whispered as he wrapped his arms around the youngers shoulders. "I'm always here."

The rest of the journey was eerily silent, either everyone was asleep or didn't know what to say.

Surprisingly, Jungkook managed to maintain the status of his dry eyes, not shedding a single tear. Jimin however, despite his efforts, was unable to choke back his tears. When the seven of them piled out the van, Jimin's face was stained with the tears that had ceased to run down his face.

Taehyung kept an arm over Jungkook's shoulders and his free hand clasped over the others, acting as if the slightest tremor could break the younger into little pieces.

Considering the circumstances, some of which Taehyung was unaware of, it was honestly quite possible.



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